
Alan Stewart astewart at
Fri Feb 25 20:17:11 CST 2000

Your ISP's reply does in fact indicate that they have sendmail and that it is located at 
"usr/lib/sendmail", however, even if you get it to work, you might want to follow Russ' suggestion 
to use the Perl Net::SMTP module. It will give you more control on building email and avoid 
using the external sendmail program altogether (which means it will work somewhere sendmail 
doesn't exist). It's relatively simple and it's the "all-Perl" solution.

On 25 Feb 00, at 13:57, Joel Fentin wrote:

Date sent:      	Fri, 25 Feb 2000 13:57:20 -0800
To:             	san-diego-pm-list at
From:           	Joel Fentin <joel at>
Subject:        	Re: email

> ~sdpm~
> >What happens when you run the script from the command line or in -w
> >mode?
> I am not sure what you are asking. By command line do you mean
> telnet? If so, they (Verio) will not let me telnet. If you mean
> something else, please spell it out. 
> ===================
> >Just off the top of my head, you need to escape the @ in
> joel at so
> >Perl doesn't think you're referencing an array, 
> Do you mean joel\ ?
> ===================
> >and you should check if
> >your open statement actually works, like thus:
> > 
> >open (SENDMAIL,"|/USER/LIB/sendmail -oi -t -odg") or die "yipes!";
> I added  or die "yipes!" to the program and ran it again. The
> window in netscape said: internal server error. Here is the error
> log:
> /u/web/theede/cgi-local/
> apache: [Fri Feb 25 14:03:00
> 2000] [error] [client] File does not exist:
> /u/web/theede/stats/statistics/
> apache: [Fri Feb 25 14:45:50
> 2000] [error] [client] Premature end of script
> headers: /u/web/theede/cgi-local/
> =====================
> >
> >It looks like the path might be invalid (what OS is this under?) so
> >check if /USER/LIB/sendmail actually exists.
> This is from a page called cgi_scripts.cfm:
> If a script calls another file within your account, but the
> script does NOT require a
>                     URL, you need to use the system path. Instead
> of using the absolute path to
>                     your home directory ("/www26/web/someid"),
> you should instead use the
>                     DOCUMENT_ROOT environment variable
> ($ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT} in Perl) to
>                     determine the path of your files or programs
> within a script.
>                          Change this:
> /www23/web/yourid/data/fact.html
>                          To this:
> $ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/data/fact.html
>                          The system path to the sendmail program
> on our UNIX server is
>                          /usr/lib/sendmail 
>                          The system path to the date command on
> our UNIX server is /sbin/date 
> ========================
> >I would think this script would work, so long as:
> >
> >1. You are running on a UNIX machine (unless sendmail is 
> >available on other machines);
> I think the above indicates it is a unix machine. I don't
> understand what you mean by other machines.
> >and
> >
> >2. Your UNIX machine is configured to use sendmail, and that you 
> >have permissions to execute it, and that it does indeed reside at 
> >/USER/LIB/sendmail
> The above seems to indicate that's where it is. Verio seems
> hostile to perl. I had to ask the Verio support twice if email
> works with a perl script. They admitted that it does, but there
> is no support for perl. There are oodles of help pages for HTML
> and not a word about perl.
> ======================
> >  I just put together an automated mailing script.....
> Thank you but I need to learn to do this in perl. My current
> application involves a special purpose mail merge program.
> --
> Joel Fentin    tel: 760-749-8863    FAX: 760-749-8864
> email: joel at     web:
> ~sdpm~
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Alan Stewart          )-[]-(           Electronics Engineer
Code D621           ~        ~         Network Operations
SPAWARSYSCEN       ~          ~  \     Satellite Communications
53560 Hull St   ( ~            ~  )    tel (619)524-3625
San Diego,CA  __|___             /|    fax (619)524-2607
92152-5001   ^\____/^^^^^^\    __| |_  astewart at

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