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Yanick Champoux yanick at babyl.dyndns.org
Di Mai 19 17:42:01 PDT 2009

Veit Wahlich wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 23.04.2009, 20:50 -0400 schrieb Yanick Champoux:
>> 	Before anything else: Entschuldigung für meine schleschte Deutsch. 
>> I'll try to write as much in German as I can, ober Ich bin afraid Ich 
>> werde macht viiiiiel Fehler.  :-)
> das ist doch bereits wunderbar. :)

	Danke.  Anfäger Gluck.  :-)

> I would like to suggest http://dict.leo.org/ 

	Danke schön.  Meine Frau already pointed me to Leo as the ultimate 
German dictionary reference on the web. :-)

>> 	...Du sprichst Französisch?  O.O
> Well, in my school days here in NRW applying for the highest school
> graduation (Abitur) required passing at least two foreign language
> classes. The first foreign language (8-9 years a ~6 lessons per weeks)
> is usually English, sometimes French or Russian or a student's native
> language if it is not German, but much less time is being spent for the
> second (4-7 years a ~4 lessons/week) and third (5 years a 3
> lessons/week) foreign languages. Thus the English skills of any German
> are usually much, much better. Also bilingual classes (economics,
> cultural studies, ...), if they are offered, are usually held in the
> first foreign language.

	Aaaah, ach so...  Das erklärt alles. :-)

> I took English, French and Latin classes, but over the years without any
> exercise my spoken French is merely good enough to persuade Frenchmen to
> try speaking English... ;)

	Heh.  Any language, when not practiced regularly, is tricky to remain 
fluent in.  But any Frenchman trying to snob your French should first 
show how much German *he* knows.  :-)

	Oh, and to keep the topic a little bit Perlish, I wanted to mention: 
when I showed a little bit of my XPathScript presentation[1] in March, 
some people were interested in the slide software I was using.  Well, 
the system itself is an html/css/javascript tool called S5[2], and what 
I actually use to generate the slides is a slightly modified version of 
Pod::S5[3], which transform regular pod into a slideshow.  For the time 
being, it's the easiest way I found to translate code snippets into 
slides.  If anyone is interested, I can write a little example/tutorial 
for it.


[1] http://babyl.dyndns.org/perl/xpathscript/slides/
[2] http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/s5/
[3] http://search.cpan.org/~tlinden/Pod-S5-0.08/

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