[rochester-pm-list] Hello out there

Brian Mathis bmathis at directedge.com
Mon Mar 15 20:38:17 CST 1999


Well, I just wanted to start making some noise here, make sure we're all
still around :).  I hope everyone survived the snow.

Anyway, I think it would be cool if we started working on something.. a
good start might be our web site (yes, we have one,
http://rochester.pm.org)  I admit, it's not very exciting.

Also, as part of the Perl Community, many people have what they call a
"JAPH".  A japh is used as a signature at the bottom of your email, etc
(most people have funny quotes or annoying little ASCII graphics).  A
JAPH is a bit of Perl code that prints out simply "Just another perl
hacker", when run through perl.  The catch is, you can't really just do
    print "Just another perl hacker";
(well, you can, but it's pretty un-interesting.  Just trying to devise
something can take lots of time and brain hurt.

I guess a good thing to do is se if anyone else here has ever tried to
make one?  If so, let's all see it, and try to figure out what exactly
it's doing.

Here's mine, se if you can figure out what it's doing:

  .=$a[$i]+$_;$i++}split(//);@a=$o=~m!...!g;map{print chr}@a; __DATA__

Note: they look a lot nicer when you're using a fixed width font to view
your email.

So, basically, if you just copy those 4 lines (4 lines is usually the
limit) into a file, then do:
    perl filename
it'll print out "Just another perl hacker".  Pretty cool.

Anyone else willing to give it a shot?

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