[Rio-pm] Ajuda com Threads - tempo de abertura

Thiago Glauco Sanchez thiagoglauco em ticursos.net
Segunda Julho 12 11:52:38 PDT 2010

Um pequeno exemplo que eu criei apenas para ilustrar... o pessoal que 
desejar incrementar, por favor, be my guest.

use 5.12.0;
  use POE;
  use Net::Ping;
         inline_states => {
         _start  => sub {
             my ($kernel) = $_[KERNEL];
             print "Setting up a session\n";

         ping => sub{my ($kernel) = $_[KERNEL];
             my @ping = `ping -n 1 www.ticursos.net`;
             map{say "ping externo ok" if $_ =~ /Perdidos = 0/ } @ping;
             $kernel->delay_set("net_ping" => 3);


         net_ping => sub{ my ($kernel) = $_[KERNEL];
                     my $p = Net::Ping->new();
                     my ($ret, $duration, $ip) = $p->ping('ticursos.net');
                     say "net::ping ok" if $ret;
                     $kernel->delay_set("ping" => 3)

     say "Iniciando o Kernel...";
     $poe_kernel->run(  );

     sub start {
         my ($kernel) = $_[KERNEL];
        say "Iniciando os testes com POE";

Em 12/07/2010 15:38, João André Simioni escreveu:
> O pessoal comentou - eu vou dar uma olhada nele com atenção.
> Obrigado pela dica.
> 2010/7/12 Thiago Glauco Sanchez<thiagoglauco em ticursos.net>:
>> O Perl tem um framework para aplicações em rede e Multitarefa chamada POE
>> que
>> "Provide a cooperative scheduling and multitasking environment rivalling
>> threads and IPC"
>> Não seria o caso de estudarmos a possibilidade de usar esse framework no seu
>> sistema???
>> Em 11/07/2010 23:57, João André Simioni escreveu:
>>> Foi um typo - erro de digitação - o Net::Ping testa TCP e UDP. O ping
>>> externo ICMP.
>>> Mas assim, eu preciso resolver o problema com esse teste em Perl -
>>> como eu disse, essa parte do código é só um pedaço de um sistema
>>> maior. SNMP já é usado para várias outras coisas, mas dependem de
>>> access lists em routers e eu não tenho como liberar.
>>> []'s
>>> 2010/7/11 Thiago Glauco Sanchez<thiagoglauco em ticursos.net>:
>>>> O que eu quero dizer: você testou com o ping externo que é um teste
>>>> icmp...
>>>> depois fez outro teste icmp com o Net::Ping...
>>>> Não seria mais interessante testar de outra forma?
>>>>     $p = Net::Ping->new("tcp", 2);
>>>>     $p->port_number(getservbyname("http", "tcp"));
>>>> Mais umas coisas: Suas máquinas/equipamentos em teste estão via internet
>>>> ou
>>>> rede local?
>>>> Já pensou em usar SNMP? Já tive um problema parecido e iria utilizar um
>>>> processo para cada equipamento por desempenho e acabai optando por
>>>> utilizar
>>>> o Net:SNMP
>>>> que permite utilizar uma função de callback em vez de utilizar um
>>>> processo
>>>> para cada equipamento. Eu mando uma requisição para todos os equipamentos
>>>> e
>>>> conforme eles respondem
>>>> a função de call-back trata a requisição.
>>>> Porém, não conheço o seu ambiente. Apenas acho que criar 4000 threads não
>>>> seja a melhor solução.
>>>> Em 11/07/2010 23:18, João André Simioni escreveu:
>>>>> É typo - já está certo no código. ICMP vai via comando externo, UDP e
>>>>> TCP via Net::Ping.
>>>>> Com relação aos testes, é normal um momento de sobrecarga causar a não
>>>>> resposta de testes - essas sobrecargas não devem duram mais que 5
>>>>> segundos. Por isso o sleep - assim eu faço o mesmo teste 3x, com
>>>>> intervalos de 3 segundos.
>>>>> []'s
>>>>> On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 10:31 PM, Blabos de Blebe<blabos em gmail.com>
>>>>>   wrote:
>>>>>> Não seria um typo?
>>>>>> icmp ->      ping;
>>>>>> tcp e udp ->      Net::Ping
>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 6:42 PM, Thiago Glauco Sanchez
>>>>>> <thiagoglauco em ticursos.net>      wrote:
>>>>>>> Sim sim, entendi sua preocupação.
>>>>>>> Mas em vez de:
>>>>>>> for (1..3) {
>>>>>>>            my $ping = `/bin/ping -c 1 -w 1 $ip`;
>>>>>>> não seria melhor já mandar pingar as 3 vezes no comando ou apenas 1?
>>>>>>> Você
>>>>>>> está gerando 3 processos externos sem necessidade real.
>>>>>>> outra... o comando ping já não é icmp?
>>>>>>> my $p = Net::Ping->new('icmp')???
>>>>>>> Em 11/07/2010 17:04, João André Simioni escreveu:
>>>>>>>> Eu quero fazer o ping de 3 formas - UDP Echo / TCP Echo e ICMP Echo.
>>>>>>>> Alguns clientes tem filtros e assim eu evito falsos positivos.
>>>>>>>> Net::Ping mesmo com root tem resultados incoerentes quando uso ICMP e
>>>>>>>> Threads.
>>>>>>>> []'s
>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Thiago Glauco Sanchez
>>>>>>>> <thiagoglauco em ticursos.net>        wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Endosso a solução do Lorn. Use o POE.
>>>>>>>>> E cara... pra que isso??
>>>>>>>>> sub checkIp {
>>>>>>>>>     my $ip = shift;
>>>>>>>>>     my $pingOk = 0;
>>>>>>>>>     eval {
>>>>>>>>>         for (1..3) {
>>>>>>>>>             my $ping = `/bin/ping -c 1 -w 1 $ip`;
>>>>>>>>>             if (grep { / 0% packet loss/ } $ping) {
>>>>>>>>>                 $pingOk = 1;
>>>>>>>>>                 return 1;
>>>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>>>             if ($pingOk == 0) {
>>>>>>>>>                 my $p = Net::Ping->new('icmp');
>>>>>>>>>                 $p->service_check(1);
>>>>>>>>>                 if ($p->ping($ip, 1)) {
>>>>>>>>>                     $pingOk = 1;
>>>>>>>>>                     return 1;
>>>>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>>>             if ($pingOk == 0) {
>>>>>>>>>                 my $p = Net::Ping->new('udp');
>>>>>>>>>                 $p->service_check(1);
>>>>>>>>>                 if ($p->ping($ip, 1)) {
>>>>>>>>>                     $pingOk = 1;
>>>>>>>>>                     return 1;
>>>>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>>>             sleep 3;
>>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>>     };
>>>>>>>>> Para pingar com ping externo, depois com o Net::Ping via icmp e
>>>>>>>>> depois
>>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>>> net::Ping udp? Ah... se não me engano, Net::Ping precisa de
>>>>>>>>> permissão
>>>>>>>>> root
>>>>>>>>> para retornar um icmp de forma correta...
>>>>>>>>> Em 09/07/2010 17:48, João André Simioni escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>> Caros,
>>>>>>>>>> tenho um script para testar cerca de 4700 equipamentos, usando
>>>>>>>>>> ping.
>>>>>>>>>> Queria usar cerca 250 threads para isso, então o que eu fiz foi
>>>>>>>>>> quebrar o grupo de 4300 em grupos 18 elementos e abri uma thread
>>>>>>>>>> para
>>>>>>>>>> cada.
>>>>>>>>>> Não há nenhum problema com o código, o que acontece é que o tempo
>>>>>>>>>> de
>>>>>>>>>> abertura das threads é muito alto. E quanto mais threads eu abro,
>>>>>>>>>> maior o tempo para abertura das próximas. As primeiras abrem em
>>>>>>>>>> 30ms,
>>>>>>>>>> mas perto da thread 70 esse tempo já vai para quase 1 segundo.
>>>>>>>>>> Vocês sabem como otimizar esse tempo de abertura? Ou alguma outra
>>>>>>>>>> solução?
>>>>>>>>>> Segue o output do script como exemplo:
>>>>>>>>>> Para 4677 cpes, e 250 threads, tenho no final 246 grupos, com 19
>>>>>>>>>> elementos
>>>>>>>>>> cada
>>>>>>>>>> Trying to create thread in Fri Jul  9 17:46:50 2010.61858
>>>>>>>>>> Created thread 1 (1) - took 0.030138 seconds to create
>>>>>>>>>> Trying to create thread in Fri Jul  9 17:46:50 2010.92080
>>>>>>>>>> Created thread 2 (2) - took 0.042668 seconds to create
>>>>>>>>>> Trying to create thread in Fri Jul  9 17:46:50 2010.134968
>>>>>>>>>> Created thread 3 (3) - took 0.064245 seconds to create
>>>>>>>>>> Trying to create thread in Fri Jul  9 17:46:50 2010.199430
>>>>>>>>>> Created thread 4 (4) - took 0.082642 seconds to create
>>>>>>>>>> Trying to create thread in Fri Jul  9 17:46:50 2010.282278
>>>>>>>>>> Created thread 5 (5) - took 0.128257 seconds to create
>>>>>>>>>> Trying to create thread in Fri Jul  9 17:46:50 2010.410769
>>>>>>>>>> Created thread 6 (6) - took 0.136458 seconds to create
>>>>>>>>>> Trying to create thread in Fri Jul  9 17:46:50 2010.547383
>>>>>>>>>> Created thread 7 (7) - took 0.208085 seconds to create
>>>>>>>>>> Trying to create thread in Fri Jul  9 17:46:50 2010.755594
>>>>>>>>>> Created thread 8 (8) - took 0.173014 seconds to create
>>>>>>>>>> Trying to create thread in Fri Jul  9 17:46:50 2010.928756
>>>>>>>>>> Created thread 9 (9) - took 0.132713 seconds to create
>>>>>>>>>> Trying to create thread in Fri Jul  9 17:46:51 2010.61608
>>>>>>>>>> Created thread 10 (10) - took 0.127795 seconds to create
>>>>>>>>>> Trying to create thread in Fri Jul  9 17:46:51 2010.189536
>>>>>>>>>> Created thread 11 (11) - took 0.301836 seconds to create
>>>>>>>>>> Obrigado
>>>>>>>>>> João André Simioni
>>>>>>>>>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>>>>>>>>>> use strict;
>>>>>>>>>> use DBI;
>>>>>>>>>> use Net::Ping;
>>>>>>>>>> use Time::HiRes qw/usleep tv_interval gettimeofday/;
>>>>>>>>>> use threads ('yield', 'stack_size' =>          32*4096, 'exit' =>
>>>>>>>>>> 'threads_only', 'stringify');
>>>>>>>>>> my $host = '';
>>>>>>>>>> my $sid  = 'HOMOLOG';
>>>>>>>>>> my $user = 'mac_user';
>>>>>>>>>> my $pass = 'mac_user';
>>>>>>>>>> my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:host=$host;sid=$sid", $user,
>>>>>>>>>> $pass,
>>>>>>>>>> { AutoCommit =>          1 });
>>>>>>>>>> my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT CPE_ID, CLIENTE_ID, CPE_DESC,
>>>>>>>>>> CPE_ATIVO = ?');
>>>>>>>>>> $sth->execute('1', 'A');
>>>>>>>>>> my @cpes;
>>>>>>>>>> while (my (@row) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
>>>>>>>>>>      push @cpes, [ @row ];
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> $dbh->disconnect();
>>>>>>>>>> my $maxThreads = 250;
>>>>>>>>>> my $total      = @cpes;
>>>>>>>>>> my $cpePerThread = int($total / $maxThreads);
>>>>>>>>>> my @toMonitor;
>>>>>>>>>> my $i = 0;
>>>>>>>>>> my $c = 0;
>>>>>>>>>> foreach my $cpe (@cpes) {
>>>>>>>>>>      push @{$toMonitor[$i]}, $cpe;
>>>>>>>>>>      $c++;
>>>>>>>>>>      if ($c>          $cpePerThread) {
>>>>>>>>>>          $i++;
>>>>>>>>>>          $c = 0;
>>>>>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> print "Para $total cpes, e $maxThreads threads, tenho no final $i
>>>>>>>>>> grupos, com ", scalar @{$toMonitor[0]}, " elementos cada\n";
>>>>>>>>>> sub processResult {
>>>>>>>>>>      my $r = shift;
>>>>>>>>>>      if (ref $r ne 'ARRAY') {
>>>>>>>>>>          print STDERR "Erro na thread\n";
>>>>>>>>>>          return 0;
>>>>>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>>>>>      my ($result, $host, $ifs) = @$r;
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> sub testeClient {
>>>>>>>>>>      my $threadNum = shift;
>>>>>>>>>>      my $cpeGroup  = shift;
>>>>>>>>>>      foreach my $cpe (@{$cpeGroup}) {
>>>>>>>>>>          my ($cpeId, $clientId, $cpeDesc, $cpeIp, $cpeNode, $cpeIf)
>>>>>>>>>> =
>>>>>>>>>> @$cpe;
>>>>>>>>>>          my $pingOk =&checkIp($cpeIp);
>>>>>>>>>>          my $status = $pingOk ? 'RESPONDE' : 'MORTO';
>>>>>>>>>>          # print join(", ", $threadNum, $cpeId, $clientId, $cpeDesc,
>>>>>>>>>> $cpeIp, $cpeNode, $cpeIf, $status), "\n";
>>>>>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>>>>>      # print "Finishing thread $threadNum\n";
>>>>>>>>>>      return([1, 0]);
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> my $threadCount = 1;
>>>>>>>>>> foreach my $cpeGroup (@toMonitor) {
>>>>>>>>>>      print "Trying to create thread";
>>>>>>>>>>      my $t0 = [gettimeofday];
>>>>>>>>>>      print " in ", scalar localtime $t0->[0], ".", $t0->[1], "\n";
>>>>>>>>>>      my $thr = threads->create({scalar =>          '1'},
>>>>>>>>>> 'testeClient',
>>>>>>>>>> $threadCount, $cpeGroup);
>>>>>>>>>>      my $elapsed = tv_interval ( $t0, [gettimeofday]);
>>>>>>>>>>      print "Created thread $thr ($threadCount) - took $elapsed
>>>>>>>>>> seconds
>>>>>>>>>> to create\n";
>>>>>>>>>>      $threadCount++;
>>>>>>>>>>      while (threads->list()>= $maxThreads) {
>>>>>>>>>>          my @joinable = threads->list(threads::joinable);
>>>>>>>>>>          for (@joinable) {
>>>>>>>>>>              my $r = $_->join();
>>>>>>>>>>              &processResult($r);
>>>>>>>>>>          }
>>>>>>>>>>          usleep(10000);
>>>>>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>>>>>      my $elapsed = tv_interval ( $t0, [gettimeofday]);
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> while (threads->list()) {
>>>>>>>>>>      my @joinable = threads->list(threads::joinable);
>>>>>>>>>>      for (@joinable) {
>>>>>>>>>>          my $r = $_->join();
>>>>>>>>>>          &processResult($r);
>>>>>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>>>>>      usleep(10000);
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> sub checkIp {
>>>>>>>>>>      my $ip = shift;
>>>>>>>>>>      my $pingOk = 0;
>>>>>>>>>>      eval {
>>>>>>>>>>          for (1..3) {
>>>>>>>>>>              my $ping = `/bin/ping -c 1 -w 1 $ip`;
>>>>>>>>>>              if (grep { / 0% packet loss/ } $ping) {
>>>>>>>>>>                  $pingOk = 1;
>>>>>>>>>>                  return 1;
>>>>>>>>>>              }
>>>>>>>>>>              if ($pingOk == 0) {
>>>>>>>>>>                  my $p = Net::Ping->new('icmp');
>>>>>>>>>>                  $p->service_check(1);
>>>>>>>>>>                  if ($p->ping($ip, 1)) {
>>>>>>>>>>                      $pingOk = 1;
>>>>>>>>>>                      return 1;
>>>>>>>>>>                  }
>>>>>>>>>>              }
>>>>>>>>>>              if ($pingOk == 0) {
>>>>>>>>>>                  my $p = Net::Ping->new('udp');
>>>>>>>>>>                  $p->service_check(1);
>>>>>>>>>>                  if ($p->ping($ip, 1)) {
>>>>>>>>>>                      $pingOk = 1;
>>>>>>>>>>                      return 1;
>>>>>>>>>>                  }
>>>>>>>>>>              }
>>>>>>>>>>              sleep 3;
>>>>>>>>>>          }
>>>>>>>>>>      };
>>>>>>>>>>      return $pingOk;
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> Rio-pm mailing list
>>>>>>>>>> Rio-pm em pm.org
>>>>>>>>>> http://mail.pm.org/mailman/listinfo/rio-pm
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> What is the sound of Perl? Is it not the sound of a wall that people
>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>> stopped banging their heads against?
>>>>>>>>> —Larry Wall
>>>>>>>>> Thiago Glauco Sanchez
>>>>>>>>> Intrutor Perl e Redes
>>>>>>>>> www.ticursos.net
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> Rio-pm mailing list
>>>>>>>>> Rio-pm em pm.org
>>>>>>>>> http://mail.pm.org/mailman/listinfo/rio-pm
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> Rio-pm mailing list
>>>>>>>> Rio-pm em pm.org
>>>>>>>> http://mail.pm.org/mailman/listinfo/rio-pm
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> What is the sound of Perl? Is it not the sound of a wall that people
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> stopped banging their heads against?
>>>>>>> —Larry Wall
>>>>>>> Thiago Glauco Sanchez
>>>>>>> Intrutor Perl e Redes
>>>>>>> www.ticursos.net
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> Rio-pm mailing list
>>>>>>> Rio-pm em pm.org
>>>>>>> http://mail.pm.org/mailman/listinfo/rio-pm
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>>>>>> Rio-pm mailing list
>>>>>> Rio-pm em pm.org
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>>>>> Rio-pm mailing list
>>>>> Rio-pm em pm.org
>>>>> http://mail.pm.org/mailman/listinfo/rio-pm
>>>> --
>>>> What is the sound of Perl? Is it not the sound of a wall that people have
>>>> stopped banging their heads against?
>>>> —Larry Wall
>>>> Thiago Glauco Sanchez
>>>> Intrutor Perl e Redes
>>>> www.ticursos.net
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Rio-pm mailing list
>>>> Rio-pm em pm.org
>>>> http://mail.pm.org/mailman/listinfo/rio-pm
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Rio-pm mailing list
>>> Rio-pm em pm.org
>>> http://mail.pm.org/mailman/listinfo/rio-pm
>> --
>> What is the sound of Perl? Is it not the sound of a wall that people have
>> stopped banging their heads against?
>> —Larry Wall
>> Thiago Glauco Sanchez
>> Intrutor Perl e Redes
>> www.ticursos.net
>> _______________________________________________
>> Rio-pm mailing list
>> Rio-pm em pm.org
>> http://mail.pm.org/mailman/listinfo/rio-pm
> _______________________________________________
> Rio-pm mailing list
> Rio-pm em pm.org
> http://mail.pm.org/mailman/listinfo/rio-pm

What is the sound of Perl? Is it not the sound of a wall that people have
stopped banging their heads against?
—Larry Wall

Thiago Glauco Sanchez
Intrutor Perl e Redes

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