How Loud Can You Shout? . . . .

tom poe tompoe at
Tue Jun 18 20:52:22 CDT 2002

Hi:  I think Larry Lessig says it best,

"And now, if digital content has a built-in copy protection system, you 
aren't allowed to interfere with it, even if the content isn't protected by 
copyright laws. I have bought a number of eBooks, including Aristotle's 
Politics. Aristotle's Politics, of course, was never copyrighted, but the 
Adobe eBook reader forbids me from printing any pages of the book because the 
permissions have been set to disable any printing. If I try to interfere with 
those permissions .. if I write a bit of code to disable the limitations that 
forbid me from printing Aristotle's Politics from my Adobe eBook .. that 
would be circumventing an access technology, which under the Digital 
Millennium Copyright Act is a crime."

Extrapolate that message to the work taking place with the BPDG.  Are they 
one and the same? If so, just how in the he#$ can we let that happen?  
Someone tell me it ain't so!

Using every means possible, I would like to see this quote repeated to every 
email list, posted on every weblog, and site around the country.  It deserves 
a title that will be instantly recognized, e.g., The REAL DMCA.  Let's all 
get behind this, now, and don't stop shouting until the DMCA goes down.
Tom Poe
Reno, NV

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