[Purdue-pm] Perl 5.32 is coming!

Mark Senn mark at purdue.edu
Mon Jan 27 10:42:18 PST 2020

I am _guessing_ that these might be relevant:

>From https://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html#Script-Runs
    A script run is basically a sequence of characters, all from the same
    Unicode script (see Scripts in perlunicode), such as Latin or Greek. In
    most places a single word would never be written in multiple scripts,
    unless it is a spoofing attack. An infamous example, is
    Those letters could all be Latin (as in the example just above), or they
    could be all Cyrillic (except for the dot), or they could be a mixture
    of the two. In the case of an internet address the .com would be in
    Latin, And any Cyrillic ones would cause it to be a mixture, not a
    script run. Someone clicking on such a link would not be directed to the
    real Paypal website, but an attacker would craft a look-alike one to
    attempt to gather sensitive information from the person.

>From https://perldoc.perl.org/perlrecharclass.html
    For example, \p{Alpha} matches not just the ASCII alphabetic characters,
    but any character in the entire Unicode character set considered

(I continue to like Raku (formerly known as Perl 6) better than Perl 5.)


Dave Jacoby <jacoby.david at gmail.com> wrote on 2020-01-27 at 17:56+00:
|  https://www.effectiveperlprogramming.com/2020/01/perl-v5-32-new-features/
|  And brian d foy says:
|  *    The new isa infix operator (“class instance”)
|  *    The streamzip program comes with IO::Compress::Base, so it comes with
|  perl
|  *    Script runs are no longer experimental
|  *    Alpha assertions are no longer experimental
|  *    Mixed mode access to undef uses a temporary file
|  *    "0" .. "-1" is fixed
|  *    Modifiable contexts in constants now throw an exception
|  isa is  a thing that is used in OOP. I think current use is something like
|  isa( $lafayette, 'Location' ) to shoehorn types into a language that didn't
|  want them, and this simply means we can do if ( $lafayette isa 'Location' )
|  { ... } , which looks nicer.
|  If you have a modern perl, you can ls *pl | streamzip > file.zip or
|  something. I've not had reason to want that, but sure.
|  I do not understand what Script runs are, and I don't see them in the
|  "experimental" pod. No do I understand what Alpha assertions are.
|  Similarly, "Mixed mode access to undef uses a temporary file" is a sentence
|  where I can understand each individual word, and mostly what two adjacent
|  words mean together, but that sentence as a whole is word salad.
|  I don't know what was broken about "0" .. "-1", but I can guess. .. is a
|  range operator, and 0 .. 1 would give [0,1], but if you want [-1,0], you
|  should do reverse [ -1..0 ] because the range operator doesn't do
|  descending values. But, as Gizmo showed when we were discussing "29 Palms",
|  you can iterate through character values, and so I would GUESS that "0" ..
|  "-1" would give a large array. Maybe? Testing.
|  Ah. It gives you the same result as 0..99. At least in 5.30.
|  "Modifiable contexts in constants now throw an exception". I can't remember
|  using constants in Perl. but I think this means this: if $val is a constant
|  reference to an array, that array can change, but I can't point to another
|  array in $val, so now, the following code should announce itself as
|  problematic.
|  use constant ARRAY => [1,2,3,4];
|  push ARRAY, 5;
|  I believe I have been clear in my lack of understanding of some parts of
|  this. The 5.31 deltas seem to point to differences between 5.31.x and
|  5.31.y, not 5.30 and 5.31 and what will become 5.32, so we'll know more
|  later.
|  -- 
|  Dave Jacoby
|  jacoby.david at gmail.com
|  I deal with my software the way I treat my eldritch abomination:
|   It's not human, it's not even alive in the natural sense.
|   It's nightmare-born and nightmare-shaped, and nightmares don't die easy.
|    -- @yenzie
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