From mark at Mon Feb 19 04:57:19 2018 From: mark at (Mark Senn) Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 07:57:19 -0500 Subject: [Purdue-pm] simple introduction to Perl 6 grammars Message-ID: <> If you want to learn about the Perl 6 grammar feature I suggest you start with the below article. It won't give you enough information to do anything other than check if some input is legal but is much easier to understand than other articles that try to explain too much at one time. See for a simple introduction to Perl grammars that checks if a string is a legal number. This is a tutorial article that doesn't show how to have grmmars contain actions, only check input to see if it is legal. Perl 6 uses a ~5,000 line Perl 6 grammar to run Perl 6 programs. -mark NOTE TO SELF: .tags grammar Perl Perl 6 Perl 6 grammar Andrew Shitov .etags