[Purdue-pm] The HTML5 Web Audio Blocker

Dave Jacoby jacoby.david at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 06:47:08 PDT 2018

I had previously talked about https://practimer.me, my online timer tool.

I *had* used

    var context = AudioContext ;
    // do things with audio

to create an audio context that allows the JS to make sounds.

Problem is that webkit has it as webkitAudioContext, because they're still
testing (if they're doing anything at all), so it's

    var AudioContext = AudioContext || webkitAudioContext || false ;
    if ( AudioContext ) {
        var context = AudioContext ;
        // do things with audio

My problem was that, calling AudioContext when there was no AudioContext
caused all the JS to fail, and the beeps just make things nicer. I know
from Epiphany that this doesn't block it anymore and I am told by a Mac
user that it beeps on Safari MacOS and at least runs on iOS.

There's another step to make it really work on iOS: It must have some sort
of user interaction before it'll sound. Outside of my "I want a page that
beeps!" narrow view, and knowing that you can specify frequencies outside
of the range of human hearing (but within range of your mics), I can
understand this limit.

Plus, my brief today is to understand putting HTTPS on Apache so can move
over one of our web servers. #NotASysadmin.

Dave Jacoby
jacoby.david at gmail.com

Don't panic when the crisis is happening, or you won't enjoy it.
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