[Purdue-pm] Wednesday Meeting - To Serve Humans

gizmo gizmo at purdue.edu
Tue Apr 11 06:28:24 PDT 2017

On 04/10/2017 11:08 AM, Dave Jacoby wrote:
> This is a reminder that our monthly meeting is 5:30 this Wednesday in EE
> 317. The title is "To Serve Humans", and the topic is the ethical
> responsibilities that programmers have in our increasingly-automated
> world. This talk has already been accepted for m{(YAPC::NA|TPC)} and is
> part of the spring HackLafayette Thunder Talks. It's general-interest
> and not specifically Perl-related, so programmers from all language
> communities are invited and should find value in it.
> But...
> Joe Kline is not feeling well. Joe Kline is also the person with the key
> to the room. So, without a healthy Joe Kline, we're stuck in the
> hallway, doing Starship Mongers off my laptop.
> If we don't have signs of a healthy Joe before Wednesday morning, I'll
> send an email saying we've scratched and cancel the event on Meetup. 
> The HackLafayette Food & Chat at Lafayette Brewing Co. will proceed as
> planned. Please RSVP so we know how many seats to grab.
> https://www.meetup.com/hacklafayette/events/238695744/

I'm not quite dead yet.

I'll be able to make it.

Feeling much better now. Might go for a walk (about the house only though).


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