[Purdue-pm] Confirmation

Dave Jacoby jacoby at purdue.edu
Wed Jun 17 11:37:10 PDT 2015

Occasional attendee Broc Seib has volunteered to reserve the room and be 
our MatchBox member, so I'm going to declare to all the world that we're 
meeting at MatchBox on July 15.

Still hoping for a third talk, and when someone steps up and volunteers,
I'll make appropriate changes everywhere.

G+: https://plus.google.com/events/cm4icsoef2aq5r9kovljml1i1uc

I'll remind everyone that GLOSSY Open Source Food & Beer & Chat will 
meet 7pm tonight at Lafayette Brewing Company, and GLOSSY Thunder Talks 
will be 2pm Saturday at MatchBox. I hope to see you there!

Dave Jacoby
     Developer, Purdue Genomics Core Lab
         694 days using standing desk

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