[Purdue-pm] Meeting Ideas? Both Micro and Macro

Rick Westerman westerman at purdue.edu
Wed Jun 12 07:33:21 PDT 2013

Well, while we are deciding on if to change the meeting time and place, I have reserved WSLR 116 for the 3rd Tuesday 11:30-1:30 for the next year.  In other words we can continue with the same old same old.

----- Original Message -----
> > I can't think of a setup we can do where we can have both beer and
> > an
> > overhead projector. There's rumblings of available spaces where that
> > would be less out of the question. I'm not against the idea.
> I think ITaP (Information Technology at Purdue) used to loan out
> portable projectors from their Digital Learning Collaboratory. I just
> sent them email asking if they still do.
> Maybe if the meetings were held in early evening (say 5:00) people
> on campus would stay for them and people off campus would come for
> them since they wouldn't need to take too much time off.
> And for people on or off campus that it is inconvenient to attend
> presentations---maybe they could use Google Hangouts. See
> http://www.youtube.com/embed/XkpjZ7oA_Qg?cc_load_policy=&hl=en&cc_lang_pref=en&autoplay=1
> (
> or if that doesn't work go to http://www.google.com/hangouts/
> and play the video
> )
> starting at 1:06 for more info. It can do video and audio of people
> and screen sharing (I've never used screen sharing.).
> -mark
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Rick Westerman 
westerman at purdue.edu

Bioinformatics specialist at the Genomics Facility.
Phone: (765) 494-0505           FAX: (765) 496-7255
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
625 Agriculture Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2010
Physically located in room S049, WSLR building

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