[Purdue-pm] Missed Presentation

Rick Westerman westerman at purdue.edu
Wed Apr 11 08:04:12 PDT 2007

David Jacoby wrote:
> I certainly hope that you guys aren't still waiting for me.
   We aren't.  The meeting, as usual, was lightly attended (6 of us) but 
very informative.
> Sorry I couldn't make it. I had a talk on programming ...
    Since you have so many talks in store, we decided to make the next 
the technical meeting an "all Dave all the time" meeting.  :-)    
Actually I will probably continue exploring the Higher Order Perl (HOP) 
book since I was only able to present the first 5 chapters last night.  
What I did present is now on-line at the Mongers web site.

    Mark's "unneeded complexity" talked segued nicely into my HOP talk 
-- we both touched on the idea of table-driven programming.

    The 54,000% faster lightning talk of Mark's was about using multiple 
simple regex's or-ed together instead of a single complex regex.  
Personally I can't replicate his results but then I don't have his code 
in front of me.  He also may have been using an unneeded capture in his 
complex regex.

    Greg's talk about BioPerl slowing down his program was 
interesting.   It is hard to compare his BioPerl-based program to his 
non-BioPerl-based program since they are slightly different (although 
reading the same type of data files.)  Personally I'm not very fond of 
BioPerl since it seems to be a large cumbersome beast.  Phillip likes it 
though.  It would be interesting to do an exact side-by-side comparison 
but I don't see anyone doing this in the near future.

    Unfortunately I was late and missed Doug's talk on logging.


Rick Westerman 
westerman at purdue.edu

Bioinformatics specialist at the Genomics Facility.
Phone: (765) 494-0505           FAX: (765) 496-7255
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
625 Agriculture Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2010
Physically located in room S049, WSLR building

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