[Phoenix-pm] June 14th - REST API with Perl6

Erik Tank lefthandskeletonkey at gmail.com
Fri May 11 20:56:44 PDT 2018

Let's REST for a meeting.

We'll take a look at how we can get a REST API up and running using Perl6
and Bailador. We'll be introducing several concepts but the focus is REST -
what is it, what makes a good REST API, and what is probably best left

Please note that due to scheduling conflicts this meeting is on the second
Thursday of the month instead of the first.

As always: Pizza will arrive around 6:30 so come early to socialize and eat.

Please respond to this email or RSVP via meetup.com so that we have a head


https://www.meetup.com/Phoenix-Perl-Mongers/events/244379825/Date: Thursday
June 14th
Time: 7PM (Pizza at 6:30)
1375 N Scottsdale Rd
Ste 200
Scottsdale, AZ
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