[Phoenix-pm] Looking for ideas - Perl Telnet Monitor

Metz, Bobby W, WCS bwmetz at att.com
Wed Jun 29 17:51:01 PDT 2005

	I'm out of my comfort zone on this one and looking for extra
ideas.  I'm trying write a Perl prog from my users that kicks off
interactive telnet sessions.  During the session I want to spawn other
tools based on user input and alter remote device output, e.g. color
certain sections of the device output, based on patterns.  I've tried
this via pure Expect and not gotten where I wanted.  I've been playing
with Net:Telnet but don't see how to use it for true interactive user
IO, i.e. it looks like regular send/expect stuff to me.  Anyone out
there ever do anything like this or know of some easy Perl trick to
monitor bi-dir IO on a TTY or Net:Telnet session without completing
taking control from the user typing.  I'm sure the solution is staring
me in the face, but right now it eludes me.



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