socket, select & sysread questions

Eden Li at
Fri Dec 28 21:04:45 CST 2001

yah.. yah..  I was just suggesting alternatives.  I sent in one patch
for Net::IRC and now I have to suggest it for any and every application
it possibly could serve :)


From: "Scott Walters" <phaedrus at>
> Bah, read the code. It's just a wrapper for select(). Thanks though. Er,
> IO::Select, is I mean. Net::IRC speaks server<->client. Ultimately I need
> server<->server, which is similiar in IRC, but a bit different. I could
> send them patches, but that doesn't suit my purposes. I love Perl,
> more then any other reason, because it gives me the tools to reinvent
> the wheel at blinding speed ;) Seriuosly, Net::IRC looks pretty
> cool. Maybe I can steal code from it. Thanks... btw, nonblock+select
> is adequate. Still, the mystery remains...
> -scott

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