Listen to the sounds of silence

sinck at sinck at
Wed Sep 6 10:38:55 CDT 2000

\_ HELLOOOO! (HELLOOO, Hellooo, hellooo) Anyone out there? :)  I might just
\_ have to start a flame war to see if anyone is still alive out there. 
\_ You sorry bunch of Java lovin' Python huggin' geeks! :-P

Gollee, I didn't know that pythons drank java.  Or even normal coffee
for that matter.

\_ In all seriousness, if you guys want to take a break on meetings, we
\_ can, just let me know.  I don't want to just be doing this for my
\_ health. :)

I just didn't comment since the one and only time I saw the rest of
you had to do with Randal and Copper Creek Canyon.  :-)

One of these days I'll get ambitious and raise my hand to present
autoloaded single-table database access, but that's not this week.
(DBI + Oracle magic + Autoload).  Way cool.


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