New meeting place

Mark A. Sharkey mark at
Thu Sep 2 10:50:36 CDT 1999

David Sinck wrote:
> \_ 1.  This one takes all the parameters from your HTML form
> \_ input, and makes local variables of the same names inside
> \_ your script.
> \_ [...]
> \_ use CGI;
> \_ my $q=new CGI;
> \_ foreach ($q->param()) {
> \_  ${$_} = $q->param($_);
> \_ }
> Is it just me, or does this replicate the effort of
> $q->import_names('main');

I didn't know there was such a thing as 'import_names'.

Very cool.  Thanks David!

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Mark A. Sharkey
World Class Web Sites
mark at
800 844 4434 (toll free)
480 461 9765 (local)
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