Newbie Question

Tran Forsythe forsythe at
Wed Oct 13 22:55:58 CDT 1999

Re: Perl & http, I assume you mean from a client basis (as opposed to making
a perlish http server).  If so, then check out the LWP modules (LWP::Simple
does well for simple GETs, though you'll likely want to use LWP::UserAgent
for things like POSTs).  But nope, http isn't built into Perl as http is
simply a protocol used to communicate via tcp/ip sockets (the latter
capability is built into Perl however, hence the modules)

And as far as good resources, I believe that the Perl Cookbook has scads of
data on this topic.  (I could be wrong, my copy's back at the office)

Hope that helps,


"Push to test."
"Release to detonate."
-Brad Morrison

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