Code problem

Phaedrus phaedrus at
Tue Oct 12 18:39:37 CDT 1999

> Reread the first part of my message.  I think the problem is that
> the output buffer for outfile is not getting flushed.  You can
> use the autoflush call after opening it to make sure that it gets
> flushed on every write.
> Kevin

I read your message, Kevin. Sorry I didn't acknowledge it in my first
message. For this application, the output file stream should definately
be flushed, otherwise miscounts will occur, including 0's. Your right.
However, if the pipeline is returning '' (absolutely nothing, 0 size
string, etc), then my testing tells me this is because of the leading
space on the string that cut recieves. If you don't have this problem,
then its just my version of cut ;)
best of luck!

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