Meeting (was Snippet that you might like...)

Doug Miles doug.miles at
Wed Jun 23 10:59:10 CDT 1999

Thanks for the code!  With regards to the meeting, I wasn't able to get it
together this week.  While we're on the subject, I'm going to be out of town
for a good part of next month, so I need for someone to volunteer to
organize the meetings next month.  If I don't get a volunteer, you guys will
have to organize by committee, or go without meetings.  I'd like to have a
designated person to do this type of stuff when I'm not able to.  Do I hear
a pick me, pick me?  :)

> Before I post the snippet, let me cover a few things...
> Is there going to be a meeting this Thursday?  If so, may I recommend a
> topic?  "Perl security issues and implementing secure transactions with Perl
> scripts."  I need to get up to speed on this stuff...hopefully sooner rather
> than later...

    I don't believe it's written in Perl, though it probably
    ought to have been.  :-)
        --Larry Wall in <1995Feb21.180249.25507 at>

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