[pgh-pm] ShortestWikiContest

Casey West casey at geeknest.com
Fri Feb 6 21:45:36 CST 2004


So, they're looking for solutions in any language.  I spent too much
time fooling with this, but if you have the desire to golf (in any
language), have at it.

Here is my current best entry, which is also winning.

#!/usr/bin/perl -0777itextarea
use CGI':all';$;='<a href=?';$i='<input type';$$_=param$_ for e,t,f;$t&&open(F
,">$f"),print F$t;sub r{open F,pop;escapeHTML<F>}print header,$e?start_form."
<$^I name=t>${\r$e}</$^I>$i=hidden name=f value=$e>".submit:do{$_="$f</h1>".r(
$f).p grep r($_)=~$f,<*>;s!{(.+?)}!ul$1!egs;s!http:\S+!a{-href,$&},$&!eg;s![\r
]{4,}!p!eg;s!^@ !<li>!gm; s!([A-Z][a-z]+){2,}!$;@{[-f$&?f:e]}=$&>$&</a>!g;

  Casey West

Shooting yourself in the foot with Pascal 
The compiler won't let you shoot yourself in the foot. 

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