my Mangled notes from Schwern's talk on SVK: - svk co --purge to clean up all co paths - incromental commit (svk 2.0a+) - svk partial commits ie when you commit with out a msg you can then delete files from the list... and they are not commited.... like on delete. -- svk ci --interactiv - svk mkdir -p this/other/thing -- creates adds for all dirs thing - svk rm --keep-local file -- just removes item from svk but keeps the local copy - svk desc version# -- gives diffs to describe the changes introduced in this version - svk log --filter - svk --output 'stats' -- looking to it - svk import -t //wherever/thing -- allows for a single import->delete->co .... horray now edit - svk push -P - -- this is a check by making a patch to STDOUT, it allows you to see what has been changed. -- push your changes to another repo (now we get to the mirroring) - checkout pulles all the versions from a remote repo - svk mirror svn://remote/location //local/place - svk sync //local/place -- then links and checks out all the remote changes to the local revision -- EVERYTHINK even the logs - svk switch -- look in to it, possibly makes a local only version? I missed things - svk pull -- basicly an update on the repo with auto merging for the entire repo. -- look in to incremental - svk push -- put your changes back into a master repo, with all the auto merging -- look in to incremental (vendor branching) - download CPAN module - create a //vendor/CPAN/MODULE repo - just create a branch for the current version - now when a new version comes out you can just dump things to the core vendor - yes it's magic just check svk desc .... wee (star merge... or wonder magic) - svk sm //trunk //branch - horray now your uptodate - svk push -P - -- check to see if you changes have been taken. (conflict managment) - like perforce conflict management is an ineractive process. (cherrypicking) -- selective merging - theres a cmerge... but it's depricated - you can fake this with merge. (whats wrong) - XS perl-ish SVN perl bindings... it's kinda a deps nightmare. (hookscripts? it might be possible) (v2? possible feature... the View) - allows for things like treat common code and specific code as one repo. - its like a DB views... horray abstraction layer (you dont have to sync for every revision) - look at the help for mirror and you can specify a date or a revsion number and then only pull everything since X LINK: [commit of the day] commits on a plane!