[Pdx-pm] Fwd: UG News: Get Your Free Books + More from O'Reilly

benh ben.hengst at gmail.com
Sun Mar 17 17:05:08 PDT 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marsee Henon & Jon Johns <usergroups at post.oreilly.com>
Date: Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 4:00 PM
Subject: UG News: Get Your Free Books + More from O'Reilly
To: ben.hengst at gmail.com


View in browser<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zon8h2ii110k61s5teq5fckustqgpldbp8ur6t48>.

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   [image: Header]


The call for participation for *Velocity New York* is now
If you have insights, knowledge, or practical experience in any of the
themes we'll explore at Velocity in New York this October—we want to hear
from you. We're accepting proposals through April 29, 2013. For complete
details, see the Velocity Call for Participation

Some of the themes and memes we're interested in for the 2013 conference
program include:

   - Building resilience into applications, infrastructure, and teams
   - Operations escalation and outage handling patterns
   - Production datastore architectures at scale
   - TCP, HTTP, and SSL optimizations
   - Metrics and monitoring
   - Impact on the bottom line

 To see the rest of the conferences we have planned for 2013, look at our


—Marsee Henon and Jon Johns
Available for Review [image: Lean

The UG team is looking for book reviewers for the following books. Consider
posting your reviews on Amazon, Slashdot, oreilly.com, and/or your blog.

   - Lean Analytics<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1za4d9i8ng3b32a4goiufe789un90o4t2u0v3u7bg>
   - Appcelerator Titanium: Up and
   - Web Audio API<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zan0342qffub95skvoh6og9cds7nf7s3hsbpan48>

It's easy for you to get books for your meeting or special events—just
email usergroups at oreilly.com and include the words "book request" in the
subject line. Don't forget to include your deadline and shipping address.
Prefer ebooks? We can send you a free ebook certificate to print out for
raffles or book reviewers.
New Releases  [image: Appcelerator Titanium: Up and
Service Design]<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1z9c8h1cq17t9aumeha5dcj4nd3a3v17pvqu80hho>
Programming iOS 6, 3rd
Learning from First Responders: When Your Systems Have to
MongoDB Applied Design
Microsoft® Outlook® 2013 Step by
Big Data TechCon—$100 UG Discount (April 8-10—Boston, MA) [image: Big Data

BZ Media's inaugural Big Data
focus on the entire big data ecosystem and attract developers, IT
managers, and practitioners. Big Data TechCon is technology-agnostic and
will apply to organizations using relational databases, NoSQL databases,
graph databases, unstructured data, flat files and data feeds. *Receive a
$100 discount off the 3-day pass* by inserting the code *OREILLY* when
prompted. Exhibits are free.
Open Tech NYC 2013 (March 30—NYC) [image: Open Tech NYC

Open source is driving the NYC tech scene - from locally grown open source
projects, to *startups* and big enterprises that run on open source, to new
organizations and collaborative models that grew up in *New York City*.
Open Tech NYC 2013<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zn5383qv6naq3ptkq4eflfnt4d5pc3afv2a3jdh0>will
be held from 9:30AM to 4:30PM on March 30, 2013 at the Hunter's Point
Event Space in Queens - less than fifteen minutes from Manhattan. They'll
be welcoming a variety of speakers for 45 minute talks, and coffee and
lunch breaks will be provided as well.
GOTO Conference (April 23-24—Chicago, IL) [image: GOTO

The first GOTO Chicago<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zseva7ldb55c8tpf2coev2dtlcctnd24ql1b9a4o>conference
to take place this April in Downtown
*Chicago* at the Drake Hotel. The GOTO Chicago program is created "by
developers, for developers" where the emphasis is placed on presenting
latest developments as they become relevant and interesting for the
software development community. Some of the industry's best speakers,
practitioners and trainers will be at GOTO Chicago to present and train on
a variety of topic areas. Speakers include *O'Reilly* authors Dean
Using Arduinos to make conferences better [image: Using Arduinos to make
conferences better]<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1ze94369gjvqamb7ltkhtk1l2fk2g7dnvej97ck9g>

wrote about our Data Sensing
the recent Strata
"Can Arduino devices jam-packed with sensors help you plan your next
conference better? That's what O'Reilly Media is trying to figure out....A
small and simple open-source computer board that can connect to sensors,
the *Arduino* was one of 50 such gadgets that O'Reilly Media, host of the
Strata Conference, planted around the facility. *Sensors* attached to the
Arduinos pick up humidity, motion, sound and temperature data which they
collect and wirelessly send to a *ZigBee* device that uploads it all to an
Amazon Web Services cloud for *real-time visualization* and analysis and
future processing, said tech-book author Alasdair
one of the people behind the project."
Cross Platform App Development with Enyo
*Presented by:*
Roy Sutton<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zk3u2asgn5f8ejbcqrvt4nckhl3mn0cp819u6o7g>
Approx. 60 min.
 [image: Learn More]<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zdl7iu6ip066a07vo2c7avm7krprkpi5i5n9ju98>
 Tuesday, April 16, 2013    10AM PT, San Francisco

Join us for a hands-on
by Roy
author of Enyo: Up and
to learn about this open source JavaScript framework for writing
native-quality apps that work equally well on smartphones, tablets, and
desktops. Are you familiar with HTML, CSS, or JavaScript? Then you're ready
for Enyo.
Put up a Banner & Get a Free Book—UG leaders only

We're looking for groups to display our discount banners on their websites.
If you send us your group's site with one or more banners posted, we'll
send you the O'Reilly book(s) of your choice. Choose from the following
list of banners:[image: Strata UG

   - Velocity Conference
   - Fluent Conference
   - UG Program
   - UG Discount


[image: Learn about our Ebooks
Buy 1 Ebook, Get 1 Free with your user group discount code: *DSUG2*

Looking for more? Visit

[image: Find more at oreilly.com]

You are receiving this email because you are a User Group contact with
O'Reilly Media. If you would like to stop receiving these newsletters or
announcements from O'Reilly, send an email to: usergroups at oreilly.com

O'Reilly Media, Inc. 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707)



Stability is not a Regression.
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