[Pdx-pm] Offensive Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

Keith Lofstrom keithl at kl-ic.com
Tue Oct 27 13:42:29 PDT 2009

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 12:14:51PM -0700, Jonathan Leto wrote:
> I am highly offended. You are dead to me.

I am highly offended that you are offended.  Pistols at dawn!


P.S.:  You bring the (Pearl) potatoes, I'll bring the spud guns :-)

Keith Lofstrom          keithl at keithl.com         Voice (503)-520-1993
KLIC --- Keith Lofstrom Integrated Circuits --- "Your Ideas in Silicon"
Design Contracting in Bipolar and CMOS - Analog, Digital, and Scan ICs

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