[Pdx-pm] Google Announces Nine Students in GSoC2009 with The Perl Foundation

Jonathan Leto jaleto at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 09:25:15 PDT 2009


I have the extreme pleasure to announce that the Google Summer of Code
2009 has officially started and The Perl Foundation will be mentoring
9 students this year in a variety of projects. A breakdown of each
student project and mentor with links to the project abstract can be
found at [1]. If you would like to keep up with recent updates, then
subscribe to this RSS feed [2]. If you would like to get a little more
involved, come join us in #soc-help on irc.perl.org or join the
tpf-gsoc-students list [3].

[1] http://leto.net/dukeleto.pl/2009/04/google-announces-nine-students-in-gsoc2009-with-the-perl-fou.html
[2] http://leto.net/dukeleto.pl/atom.xml
[3] http://groups.google.com/group/tpf-gsoc-students

Thanks to everyone involved, including students with projects that
were not accepted. We had a limited number of spots and some very good
applications could not be accepted. With a bit more spit and polish
some would be a great fit for a TPF grant. Thank you to *everyone* who
applied, and if you did not get accepted this year, you can still
implement your project and become part of the community, without
getting paid. I promise, we don't bite.

Stay tuned for further updates.



Jonathan Leto
jonathan at leto.net

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