[Pdx-pm] PostgreSQL Conference Fall 2007, Registration closing soon!

Selena Deckelmann selenamarie at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 14:33:19 PDT 2007

PostgreSQL Conference Fall 2007 is a 1-day conference happening on
October 20, 2007 on the beautiful Portland State University campus.
PSU's Computer Science Graduate Student Council is graciously hosting
an excellent group of speakers made up of prominent PostgreSQL
consultants, developers and advocates.

We've had incredible interest in our conference, and will be closing
registration soon.

If you haven't registered yet, do it now!


Registration is free for students, although we are asking for a $10
donation for the after-party. For all others, the fee is $60 for the
conference and dinner.  All proceeds go directly to Software in the
Public Interest, a 501(c)3 non-profit, and will be used for PostgreSQL

For detailed descriptions of the speakers and talks, please visit:


And here's the schedule:

*  8:00 - 8:45 - Coffee / Breakfast / Social (provided at the conference)
* 8:45 - 9:00 - Joshua Drake - A word from our sponsors
* 9:00 - 9:25 - Josh Berkus - Welcome to 8.3
* 9:25 - 10:20 - David Wheeler - Web 2.0 (Rails) applications with PostgreSQL

 -- 10 minute break --

* 10:30 - 11:20 - Robert Hodges - Scaling PostgreSQL Performance with
* 11:20 - 12:10 - Neil Conway - Understanding Query Execution in PostgreSQL

* 12:10 - 13:15 - LUNCH (on your own)

* 13:15 - 13:45 - Mark Wong - PostgreSQL Performance
* 13:45 - 14:15 - Joshua Drake - PL/Proxy and Horizontal Scaling
* 14:15 - 15:05 - Web Sprague - PostGIS (geographic database)

 -- 10 minute break --

* 15:15 - 16:05 - David Fetter - Babel of procedural languages
* 16:05 - 17:00 - Robert Treat - PostgreSQL Partitioning, semantics,
pitfalls and implementation
* 17:00 - 17:25 - Josh Berkus - Stupid Solaris tricks
* 17:25 - 17:30 - Closing Remarks, Thanks, Where's the party?
* 17:30 - 18:00 - Travel to dinner/party
* 18:00 -- Dinner/Party at the Paramount Hotel till they kick us out
(provided by conference)

And once again, thanks to our sponsors:

Command Prompt: http://www.commandprompt.com/
Continuent: http://www.continuent.com/
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com/
Greenplum : http://www.greenplum.com/
Hyperic: http://www.hyperic.com/
OmniTI: http://www.omniti.com/
OTG: http://www.otg-nc.com/
Sun: http://www.sun.com/
Truviso: http://www.truviso.com/

Other Sponsors:

PDXPUG: http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx
PSU: http://www.pdx.edu

Selena Deckelmann
PDXPUG - Portland PostgreSQL Users Group

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