Randall Hansen randall at sonofhans.net
Mon Sep 25 13:04:13 PDT 2006

On Sep 25, 2006, at 12:50 PM, Marvin Humphrey wrote:

> If you have no reason to, don't.

i like CPANPLUS better, and haven't had trouble installing it via  
CPAN in various environments (debian, ubuntu, OS X).  YMMV.  perhaps  
try Bundle::CPANPLUS?

there's a lot to like about it, though:  dramatically better CLI and  
`sudo` detection and use being my favorites.  i don't do much server  
administration, so the [reportedly] easier automation doesn't affect me.

i'm not sure what you mean by "migrating," thomas.  migrating your  
skills, or 500 shell scripts which depend on CPAN?  either way,  
here's a brief article which may help:



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