[Pdx-pm] Perl-driven site

Josh Heumann josh at joshheumann.com
Tue Mar 4 15:31:20 CST 2003

Hi all,

I just finished and launched a site, http://viewfrommywindow.com, which was
written in object-oriented perl, modeled on the mvc.  If you haven't used
the mvc, and I'm looking at all you people who write cigs in one big file,
you should give it a try.

I was thinking of abstracting the modules as much as possible, pod-izing
the documentation, etc, and posting it to cpan.  Joshua Keroes pointed out
that someone just posted one (http://search.cpan.org/author/MUENALAN/Class-
MVC-0.01.06/MVC.pm)(darn you, Murat Uenalan, darn you to heck), but hey,
there's always another way to do things, so if anyone wants to give a
relatively new programmer on the scene a hand at some new stuff, I'd be
more than ecstatic to work with you.

Oh, and post some vmfws to the site.

Show us your view: post pics at

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