[Oslo.pm] NUUG medlemsmøte om Perl 6: For the little tools and the large applications

Salve J Nilsen sjn at pvv.org
Fre 3. Sep 2010 08:52:06 PDT


Tirsdag 14. september har NUUG igjen medlemsmøte om Perl 6! :D

Temaet er «Perl 6: For the little tools and the large applications» 
med Jonathan Worthington, og møtet er åpent for alle.


Jonathan skriver,

   One goal for Perl 6 is to make building large and maintainable
   applications far easier. But does that mean sacrificing on being
   able to build little tools? Thankfully, Perl 6 is working hard to do
   well in that area too. In this talk, I'll show examples of how
   various features of Perl 6 make things easier for those writing one
   liners, those writing small tools and those writing much larger
   things. The easy things will become easier, and the hard things more
   in reach.

Foredraget har også en Facebook-side:


Tror dette blir bra! :)


- Salve J. Nilsen (denne gangen på vegne av <aktive at nuug.no>)

sub AUTOLOAD{$AUTOLOAD=~/.*::(\d+)/;seek(DATA,$1,0);print#  Salve Joshua Nilsen
getc DATA}$"="'};&{'";@_=unpack("C*",unpack("u*",':4@,$'.#     <sjn at foo.no>
'2!--"5-(50P%$PL,!0X354UC-PP%/0\`'."\n"));eval "&{'@_'}";   __END__ is near! :)

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