[Omaha.pm] (?:pattern)

Jay Hannah jhannah at mutationgrid.com
Thu Oct 21 08:48:25 PDT 2010

On Oct 21, 2010, at 9:37 AM, Andy Lester wrote:
> There's presumably a speed-up because it's not dumping the match into $1.  You'd have to benchmark to find out just how much it's saving.
> The bigger change is getting rid of the outer grouping parens which are not even needed for grouping.

I think any speed-ups are being lost in my hours of debugging CGI like this:

   my ($title, $count, $color, $abbr, $alias, $ins, $notes, $order_type, $PackageID, $default, $prefilled) = @_;  
   my $service = &$alias($title,$i,$color,$alias,$PackageID,$prefilled);

Ooof!    -sigh-    :)

Jay Hannah
Software Architect
jhannah at mutationgrid.com | http://mutationgrid.com | 1-402-598-7782

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