[Omaha.pm] Eliminating Inheritance via Smalltalk-Style Traits (all examples in Perl)

Jay Hannah jay at jays.net
Sat Feb 6 06:13:48 PST 2010

Ovid is a Perl programmer for the BBC. Excellent read.


Eliminating Inheritance Via Smalltalk-Style Traits

Some of my favorite excerpts:

Whatʼs important here is that these arenʼt debates about a piece of code you implemented last week. These are serious debates about the implementation of the languages themselves. While most people are generally on board about things such as polymorphism and encapsulation, arguments about appropriate use of inheritance have been going on for over four decades.

Anyone forced to use "vi" (not even "vim") while trying to create an emergency patch of broken code over a slow telnet connection at 2:30 in the morning is going to get very irritated if your codebase is so complex that you need a large IDE to comprehend it.

The Moose class hierarchy:

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