[Omaha.pm] Fwd: iCal::Parser - or how to iterate through this hash?

Jay Hannah jay at jays.net
Fri Feb 24 03:33:21 PST 2006

> http://search.cpan.org/~rfrankel/iCal-Parser-1.11/lib/iCal/Parser.pm
>   {
>     calendars=>[\%cal, ...],
>     events=>{yyyy=>{mm=>{dd}=>{UID=>\%event}}
>     todos=>[\%todo, ...]
>   }

( The code above is missing a "}" after "mm". Not Brian's fault -- the author's documentation contains the error. Not encouraging when the SYNOPSIS is unusable? -grin-)

Hmmm... I know nothing about this stuff, but my 10m review makes me wonder what the point of iCal::Parser is. Looks to me like it's just turning a big ugly file into a big ugly nested complex data structure, and I'm not sure how that makes your desired task any easier... Perhaps iCal::Parser isn't the right tool for this job?

I found Net::iCal on CPAN, which looks like it might help you more? Here's an example that walks through a calendar printing stuff:


Looks like Net::iCal turns those files into easier-to-use objects?



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