[Omaha.pm] another Redux / Re-ducks

Jay Hannah jhannah at omnihotels.com
Wed Aug 16 13:21:19 PDT 2006


    my %cc = $GTD_Policy->cc_methods(lang_code=>$lang_code);
    my @s_cc = sort{$cc{$a} cmp $cc{$b}} keys %cc;
    foreach my $cc_type (sort @s_cc) {
      push @arr, { code=>$cc_type, desc=>$cc{$cc_type} };


    my %cc = $GTD_Policy->cc_methods(lang_code=>$lang_code);
    foreach my $cc_type (sort keys %cc) {
      push @arr, { code=>$cc_type, desc=>$cc{$cc_type} };

Looks like the first sort intended to sort the keys based on the values,
but then that second sort was throwing all that hard work away...



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