[oak perl] Linux posters

Adrien Lamothe alamozzz at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 10 12:07:50 PDT 2006

David Alban <extasia at extasia.org> wrote:This goes on all the time.  Think of how many commercials (for this
exercise, think of commercials for non-techie products/services)
you've seen and say "wtf?"

Excellent point. Actually, that is an advertising tactic:  run a provacative ad, capturing the viewers attention and interest, but don't clearly communicate exactly what it is you are advertising, yet giving them a brand, logo or phrase they will remember. The hope is that the viewer will then investigate further.

I prefer advertising that is direct and clearly identifies the subject.

- Adrien

How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low  PC-to-Phone call rates.
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