[oak perl] Some Ways to Contribute Page

George Woolley george at metaart.org
Sun Nov 6 00:38:27 PST 2005


I haven't updated this page for a long time.
Anyone have suggestions for changes? 

Snip from Website
Oakland Perl Mongers
Some Ways to Contribute

This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of ways to contribute, but 
perhaps it will give you some ideas.

TMTOWTDI. Please choose only those ways that suit you.

Expand your knowledge of:

    * Perl features
    * alternative ways to do things in Perl
    * various phases of Perl development
    * areas relevant to Perl


    * reading a relevant book, article or whatever
    * going to a relevant presentation
    * developing a relevant program(s)


    * come to a meeting(s).
    * order something to eat and/or order something to drink.
    * listen to speakers.
    * participate in discussions.
    * give somone a ride to or from the meeting.
    * bring giveaways to the meeting.
    * help coordinate a meeting.
    * give a lightning talk (under 5 minutes), a full length talk (1 1/2 
hours) or something in between.

mailing lists

    * subscribe to the mailing list.
    * introduce yourself on the list.
    * ask a Perl related question.
    * answer a Perl related question.
    * post something else Perl related.

Note: Please take "Perl related" broadly.

    * write a review of a book.
    * proof a review for a reviewer.
    * give other feedback to a reviewer.

the web

    * have a member profile.
    * keep your member profile up to date.
    * let the webmaster know of broken links, spelling errors, etc.
    * create a CGI of interest to members and tell people about it.


Last Updated 2005-02-20

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