[oak perl] ?? Include.H in PERL??

Mark Bole mark at bincomputing.com
Mon Jul 25 18:15:16 PDT 2005

> Stephen Kolupaev wrote:
> [...]
>   use Xxx;
>means go find the file Xxx.pm and load it (i.e. execute it) before executing any 
>statements in your main program.

"use" has a little more baggage than that, it also tries to import into 
your namespace.  Which is why "require" is the closest to the C 
pre-processor  directive "#include" (the original question).

I agree that if you are creating modules, "use" is the way to go.  I 
also agree that the use of separate Main.pm, File.pm, Data.pm, etc. 
modules is not something I've ever seen, or had to do myself.

The docs say you can also do:

use Xxx ();

to avoid the importing behavior, more like the "BEGIN {require ...;}" 

Mark Bole


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