[oak perl] test

Sandy Santra santranyc at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 30 15:18:06 PST 2005

George said there might be problems with the list, so this is a test post.

And here's a snippet of code I wrote recently that I'm very proud of 
(considering I haven't even yet finished the regex chapters in the camel 
book); and yes, I did crib some of it from the camel book.  I know it needs 
improvement--any suggestions welcome.  (Like how to look over and over 
again in each file/directory name for the textstring in case it appears 
more times than one...)

Happy new year everyone!


#find [text string] and delete it from all file and directory names

chdir "c:/temp" or die "cannot chdir to that directory: $!";
foreach $file (glob "*") {
         $newfile = $file;
         $newfile =~ s/\(1\)//;
         if (-e $newfile) {
                 ## warn "can't rename $file to $newfile: $newfile exists\n";
         } elsif (rename $file, $newfile) {
                 ## success, do nothing
         } else {
                 warn "rename $file to $newfile failed: $!\n";

--Sandy Santra

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