[HRPM] Perl 5.6 dbm

chicks at chicks.net chicks at chicks.net
Thu Jan 4 13:13:40 CST 2001

On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, Jeff Duffy wrote:

>  In a few hours I'll see if I can replicate your problem. Does tie
> fail to both create new and open existing dbm files?

Yes.  The /etc/mail/access database was created using the standard
sendmail makemap using the becoming-upiquitous /etc/mail/Makefile:
	all: virtusertable.db access.db domaintable.db mailertable.db

	%.db : %
	        makemap hash $@ < $<
	        rm -f *.db *~

And those DB's are working with sendmail, but won't open with dbmmanage.

I've tried naming the dbm with and without the .db and it hasn't helped.  
I tried ignoring the error from tie and not surprisingly that didn't help.  
The most frustrating thing is that errstr (or $! in perlspeak) doesn't get
set to anything!  Grumble.


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