[HRPM] win perl

chicks at chicks.net chicks at chicks.net
Tue Apr 25 23:36:33 CDT 2000

On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, RCT wrote:
> I Think I'm down to text now


> </chris> VMware suggestion is just unimaginative and silly.

OH! I'm hurt . . . . no, not really.  :-)

> This is a laptop with minimal resources and after all perl is not
> resource hungry or so I here.

I figured as much.  It was worth a try.

> This group was trying to be helpful to the new comer in to programming
> and yet no way to start writing a perl script has been yet brought up.
> I think way to many things are assumed buy those that have been doing
> it everyday for years

Well, maybe.  Trying to figure out what those assumptions are is hard.  
But we have been trying.  One of the things we assumed from the class
perspective is that you're working under linux and that most linuxes come
with such things built-in and mostly working.  (Certain unpatched Red
Hat's sadly excluded.)  It would have made the class a lot harder to
design if we covered installing perl with any justice.  And it would have
been a major distraction for most.

With HRPM less than 24 hours away, why don't you bring the laptop to the
meeting and we'll look at it as a group?!?

Two other alternatives come to mind: (1) There is a /Learning Perl for
Win32/ O'Reilly book that probably explains installing perl, but I haven't
checked to make sure.  (2) I am happy to provide a shell account on my
user box (wakko.fini.net) if anyone in HRPM wants access to a machine with
lots of modules already installed in a recent perl.  :-)


Q: Why did Bill Gates cross the road?
A: To avoid the Department of Justice.

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