[nr-pm] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, January 14

"R. Küpper" niederrhein-pm at web.de
Don Jan 15 03:00:28 CST 2004

------- Forwarded message -------
From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: burbach at gwl.de
Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, January 14
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 17:06:06 -0800

> ================================================================
> O'Reilly UG Program News--Just for User Group Leaders
> January 14, 2004
> ================================================================
> -No Starch, Paraglyph, and Syngress books are now available
> -O'Reilly UG Wiki on the Way
> -Put Up an O'Reilly ThinkGeek Banner, Get A Free Book
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Book Info
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> ***Review books are available
> Copies of our books are available for your members to review--
> send me an email and please include the book ISBN number on
> your request. Let me know if you need your book by a certain date.
> Allow at least four weeks for shipping.
> ***Please send copies of your book reviews
> Email me a copy of your newsletters or book reviews.
> For tips and suggestions on writing book reviews, go to:
> http://ug.oreilly.com/bookreviews.html
> ***Discount information
> Don't forget to remind your members about our 20% discount on O'Reilly, 
> No
> Starch Press, Paraglyph, and Syngress books and conferences. Just use 
> code
> ***Group purchases with better discounts are available
> Please let me know if you are interested and I can put you in
> touch with our sales department.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> General News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> ***No Starch Press, Paraglyph Press, and Syngress Publishing books are 
> now
> available for review. Please note the full ISBN Number when placing your
> requests for all O'Reilly and our publishing partners books.
> ***O'Reilly UG Wiki on the Way
> We are putting together a Wiki for user group members to create and
> maintain. If you would like to help or have some ideas for what to post,
> let me know! I was thinking about creating pages for the following to
> start: A list of UGs in our program (for those who want, not required!),
> UG events & announcements, UG needs (such as speakers, meeting spaces, 
> etc.
> that other groups might be able to help supply), UG projects (Is your 
> group
> working on something you would like to share?).
> If you are wondering what a Wiki is--here's your answer:
> http://wiki.org/wiki.cgi?WhatIsWiki
> ***Put Up an O'Reilly ThinkGeek Banner, Get A Free Book
> We are looking for user groups to display our ThinkGeek banners on
> their web sites. If you send me the link to your user group site with
> one of our O'Reilly ThinkGeek banners, I will send you the O'Reilly
> book of your choice.
> O'Reilly ThinkGeek Banners:
> http://ug.oreilly.com/banners/thinkgeek/
> ================================================================
> O'Reilly News for User Group Members
> January 14, 2004
> ================================================================
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Book News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Security Warrior
> -Perl Template Toolkit
> -Learning Python, 2nd Edition
> -Running Mac OS X Panther
> -Learning Unix for Mac OS X Panther
> -Postfix: The Definitive Guide
> -sendmail Cookbook
> -Apple Confidential 2.0
> -Degunking Windows
> -Windows Admin Scripting Little Black Book, Second Edition
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Upcoming Events
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Sanjay Mishra (Mastering Oracle SQL), Dallas, TX--January 15
> -O'Reilly at LinuxWorld, New York, NY--January 20-23, 2004
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Conferences
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Digital Democracy Teach-In--February 9
> -OSCON Survey: Participate to Win
> -OSCON 2004: Call for Participation
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -O'Reilly Partners with No Starch, Paraglyph, and Syngress
> -Quantum Dots and Programmable Matter
> -Global Developer Survey
> -The State of Perl
> -Brian Behlendorf: Open Source Luminary
> -ONJava: 2003 in Review
> -Design Considerations for Microsoft Smartphone Applications
> -New Data Controls in ASP.NET Whidbey
> -Cooking with ADO.NET
> -Dreamweaver MX 2004 for Mac OS X
> -Confident Apple for 2004
> -Control Your Mac with Your PDA
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> News From Your Peers
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Northwest Oracle Users Group Winter Conference and Seminars, Bellevue
> WA--February 9-10
> -The St. Louis Web Developers Organization and local chapter of the
> IWA/HTML Writers Guild presents the 5th Annual Web Design Awards 
> Ceremony,
> St Louis, MO--February 17
> ================================================
> Book News
> ================================================
> Did you know you can request a free book to review for your
> group? Ask your group leader for more information.
> For book review writing tips and suggestions, go to:
> http://ug.oreilly.com/bookreviews.html
> Don't forget, you can receive 20% off any O'Reilly, No Starch,
> Paraglyph, or Syngress book you purchase directly from O'Reilly.
> Just use code DSUG when ordering online or by phone 800-998-9938.
> http://www.oreilly.com/
> ***Free ground shipping is available for online orders of at
> least $29.95 that go to a single U.S. address. This offer
> applies to U.S. delivery addresses in the 50 states and Puerto Rico.
> For more details, go to:
> http://www.oreilly.com/news/freeshipping_0703.html
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> O'Reilly New Releases
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> ***Security Warrior
> ISBN: 0-596-00545-8
> "Security Warrior" is based on the principle that the only way to defend
> yourself is to understand your attacker in depth. "Security Warrior"
> reveals how your systems can be attacked, covering everything from 
> reverse
> engineering to SQL attacks, and including topics like social engineering,
> antiforensics, and common attacks against UNIX and Windows systems. This
> book teaches you to know your enemy and how to be prepared to do battle.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/swarrior/
> Chapter 2, "Windows Reverse Engineering," is available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/swarrior/chapter/index.html
> ***Perl Template Toolkit
> ISBN: 0-596-00476-1
> "Perl Template Toolkit" guides you through the entire process of
> installing, configuring, using, and extending the Template Toolkit.
> Written by core members of the technology's development team, the book
> begins with a fast-paced but thorough tutorial on building web content
> with the Template Toolkit, and then walks you through generating and 
> using
> data files, particularly with XML. The book also provides detailed
> information on the Template Toolkit's modules, libraries, and tools, in
> addition to a complete reference manual.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/perltt/
> Chapter 2, "A Complete Web Site Using Template Toolkit," is available
> online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/perltt/chapter/index.html
> ***Learning Python, 2nd Edition
> ISBN: 0-596-00281-5
> "Learning Python, 2nd Edition" is a self-paced, comprehensive learning
> tool that allows programmers to focus on the core Python language in
> depth. Thoroughly updated, this guide introduces the basic elements of 
> the
> latest release of Python, Python 2.3, and covers new features such as 
> list
> comprehensions, nested scopes, and iterators/generators. The book also
> includes fresh overviews of object-oriented programming and dynamic
> typing, new discussions of program launch and configuration options, new
> coverage of documentation sources, and much more.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/lpython2/
> Chapter 19, "OOP: The Big Picture," is available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/lpython2/chapter/index.html
> ***Running Mac OS X Panther
> ISBN: 0-596-00500-8
> "Running Mac OS X Panther" is the ultimate Swiss Army Knife for power
> users who want to customize, rev up, and get the most out of their Macs.
> The book takes readers deep inside Mac OS X's core, revealing the inner
> workings of Panther. Learn where Mac OS X came from, how it's put
> together, and how it works; get the tools you to need to examine how your
> Mac is running and adjust all the knobs behind its operation; and learn
> all the ways Mac OS X interfaces with the world around it.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/runmacxpanther/
> ***Learning Unix for Mac OS X Panther
> ISBN: 0-596-00617-9
> "Learning Unix for Mac OS X Panther" provides a user-friendly tour of the
> Mac Unix base. You'll explore Terminal and familiarize yourself with the
> command line, learning as you go about the power and flexibility of the
> hundreds of Unix programs that come with your Mac. And if Unix isn't new
> to you, you'll discover how it translates into this latest Mac
> incarnation. Updated to cover Panther, this book will keep you current
> with the latest features of your Mac.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/lunixpanther/
> Chapter 5, "Printing," is available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/lunixpanther/chapter/index.html
> ***Postfix: The Definitive Guide
> ISBN:0-596-00212-2
> "Postfix: The Definitive Guide" eases readers from the basic 
> configuration
> to the full power of Postfix. It discusses the interfaces to various 
> tools
> that round out a fully scalable and highly secure email system, tools
> including POP, IMAP, LDAP, MySQL, Simple Authentication and Security 
> Layer
> (SASL), and Transport Layer Security (TLS, an upgrade of SSL). A 
> reference
> section for Postfix configuration parameters and an installation guide 
> are
> included. From compiling and installing Postfix to troubleshooting,
> "Postfix: The Definitive Guide" gives you an all-in-one, comprehensive
> tutorial and reference to this mail transfer agent.
> ***sendmail Cookbook
> ISBN: 0-596-00471-0
> "sendmail Cookbook" provides step-by-step solutions for administrators 
> who
> need to solve configuration problems fast. Each recipe outlines a
> configuration problem, presents the code that solves that problem, and
> explains the code in detail. The book provides lots of material that
> doesn't get much coverage elsewhere: STARTTLS and AUTH are given entire
> chapters, and LDAP is covered in recipes throughout the book. Don't wade
> through dense documentation to work out custom solutions; just grab a
> recipe and solve the problem.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/sendmailckbk/
> Sample Chapter 2, "Delivery and Forwarding," is available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/sendmailckbk/chapter/index.html
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Publishing Partners New Releases
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> ***Apple Confidential 2.0: The Definitive History of the World's Most
> Colorful Company
> No Starch Press
> ISBN: 1-59327-010-0
> "Apple Confidential" examines the tumultuous history of America's
> best-known Silicon Valley start-up--from its legendary founding almost 30
> years ago, through a series of disastrous executive decisions, to its
> return to profitability, and including Apple's recent move into the music
> business. This updated and expanded edition is full of juicy quotes,
> timelines, charts, and photos.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/1593270100/
> ***Degunking Windows
> Paraglyph Press
> ISBN: 1-932111-84-0
> "Degunking Windows" covers the basics to help you quickly get your PC 
> back
> to top performance. The book is organized according to special "cleaning"
> processes that will improve the performance of your computer. Shortcut 
> and
> time calculation charts are provided at the beginning of the book to help
> you determine how much time is required to perform different degunking
> tasks from small to large.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/1932111840/
> ***Windows Admin Scripting Little Black Book, Second Edition
> Paraglyph Press
> ISBN: 1-932111-87-5
> "Windows Admin Scripting Little Black Book, 2nd Edition," shows you how 
> to
> perform Windows XP and 2003 management and administrative tasks using
> powerful scripts for just about every important task imaginable. It 
> covers
> ways to implement these scripts in an everyday environment automating
> repetitive tasks, and features example scripts on every new topic you can
> easily modify or combine to perform myriad tasks.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/1932111875/
> ================================================
> Upcoming Events
> ================================================
> ***For more events, please see:
> http://events.oreilly.com/
> ***Sanjay Mishra (Mastering Oracle SQL), Dallas, TX--January 15
> Author Sanjay Mishra discusses "Oracle 10g: SQL New Features" at the next
> meeting.
> For more info and locaton, go to:
> http://www.doug.org/meetings2004.cfm
> ***O'Reilly at LinuxWorld, New York, NY--January 20-23
> C'mon by our booth (#357) and get your mitts on our latest Linux and open
> source titles. We'll also be showing off Safari Bookshelf, our online
> reference library, and will have live presentations by O'Reilly authors.
> Javits Center, New York, NY
> http://www.linuxworldexpo.com/linuxworldny/V40/index.cvn
> ================================================
> Conference News
> ================================================
> ***Digital Democracy Teach-In--February 9
> We've just added a Digital Democracy Teach-In to the O'Reilly Emerging
> Technology Conference. It's a stand-alone, full-day session that explores
> the Internet's impact on the political process. If you're interesting in
> theintersection of technology, politics, and culture, you won't want to
> miss it.
> Hear from the people who are defying conventional wisdom and changing the
> rules of the game--the founders of MoveOn and MeetUp, Dean campaign
> staffers, influential political bloggers, and grassroots advocates.
> They'll explain how, as political outsiders with technology chops and an
> urge to change the world, they've hacked the old guard's system. You'll
> come away with a potent new Internet-based toolset for flexing your
> political muscle.
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/et2004/edemo.csp
> To register, go to:
> (Sorry, no user group discounts apply.)
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/et2004/create/ord_et04?x-t=edemo.create.form
> For more information on the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference, go
> to:
> http://conferences.oreilly.com/etech/
> ***OSCON Survey: Participate to Win
> Help us refine our program for the 2004 O'Reilly Open Source Convention 
> by
> answering our OSCON survey. It'll take only five minutes, and
> participation makes you eligible to win one of two free passes to OSCON.
> To fill out the survey, go to:
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/survey/oscon04_planning/oscon04_planning_1.htm
> For more information on the O'Reilly Open Source Convention, go to:
> http://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon/
> ***OSCON 2004: Call for Participation
> Individuals and companies interested in making presentations or giving
> tutorials at next summer's O'Reilly Open Source Convention in Portland,
> Oregon are invited to submit proposals. This year's theme is "Opening the
> Future: Discover, Develop, Deliver.".Tracks of interest run the open
> source gamut from Apache to XML, and we're also looking for proposals for
> sessions that help attendees add open source to their companies. The
> deadline for submitting proposals is February 9.
> To submit a proposal, go to:
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/os2004/create/e_sess
> ================================================
> News From O'Reilly & Beyond
> ================================================
> ---------------------
> General News
> ---------------------
> ***O'Reilly Partners with No Starch, Paraglyph, and Syngress
> We're pleased to announce a collaboration between like-minded companies:
> As of January 1, 2004, O'Reilly is the North American distributor for
> three innovative small presses: No Starch Press, Paraglyph Press, and
> Syngress Publishing. We'll be sending user groups information and review
> copies for our new partners.
> No Starch Press
> http://nostarch.oreilly.com/
> Paraglyph Press
> http://paraglyph.oreilly.com/
> Syngress Publishing
> http://syngress.oreilly.com/
> ***Quantum Dots and Programmable Matter
> Wil McCarthy introduces the concepts of programmable matter and the
> quantum dot, a device capable of trapping electrons in a space so small 
> it
> forms artificial atoms that can be controlled in real time. If you'd like
> to learn more about this "programmable matter," Wil plans to explore the
> social and technological implications of quantum dots at O'Reilly's
> upcoming Emerging Technology Conference.
> http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/2004/01/09/quantumdots.html
> ***Global Developer Survey
> Software and application development have become a global endeavor. In
> response, MediaLive and O'Reilly have launched a survey to profile
> developers around the world, and we want you to be a part of it.
> Participate in this first study of its kind for a chance to win $500 USD.
> http://www.worldquery.com/qaglobal/Survey.cfm?c=5&fr=5475&s=8&g1=2&gp=32&r=0
> ---------------------
> Open Source
> ---------------------
> ***The State of Perl
> A new year is a good time to take a look at the state Perl's in: its
> weaknesses, strengths, and future directions. Adam Turoff takes a long
> look at where Perl's going and why, and finds that Perl 6 doesn't have to
> be the last great hope.
> http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2004/01/09/survey.html
> ***Brian Behlendorf: Open Source Luminary
> Writing for "The Mercury News," Dan Gillmor profiles some of Silicon
> Valley's lesser-known business leaders and innovative technologists. 
> Among
> them is Brian Behlendorf, the man who brought us Apache and the Apache
> Software Foundation, and the CTO of CollabNet.
> http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/7532827.htm
> ---------------------
> Java
> ---------------------
> ***ONJava: 2003 in Review
> A look back at ONJava articles from 2003, summarizing the big topics and
> major trends of the year in Java.
> http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/12/30/2003-yearender.html
> ---------------------
> Wireless
> ---------------------
> ***Design Considerations for Microsoft Smartphone Applications
> Microsoft has recently announced support for the .NET CF in the new
> SmartPhone 2003. Here are some things to keep in mind when developing 
> .NET
> CF SmartPhone applications:
> http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/wireless/2004/01/07/smartphone.html
> ---------------------
> .NET
> ---------------------
> ***New Data Controls in ASP.NET Whidbey
> One of the design goals of the next release of ASP.NET, codenamed ASP.NET
> Whidbey, is to reduce the amount of code you write for common tasks such
> as data access. Wei-Meng Lee discusses two new controls that drastically
> reduce the amount of code you typically need to write in ASP.NET.
> http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2004/01/12/whidbey_datacontrols.htm
> ***Cooking with ADO.NET
> O'Reilly's recently released "ADO.NET Cookbook" contains over 150
> solutions and best practices for everyday dilemmas. This week, we're
> excerpting three recipes from the book that show how to asynchronously
> update data in a database, how to protect login credentials during 
> network
> transmissions, and how to enforce a business rule with column
> expressions.
> http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/excerpt/ado.netckbk_chap01/index.html
> ADO.NET Cookbook
> ISBN: 0-596-00439-7
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/adonetckbk/index.html
> ---------------------
> Mac
> ---------------------
> ***Dreamweaver MX 2004 for Mac OS X
> Dreamweaver has always facilitated web design in the visual graphic art
> tradition. It's also famous for its accurate HTML code and organic way of
> letting users alternate between code and design view. Dreamweaver MX 2004
> has some improvements that may tempt you to take another look at this
> application for your work.
> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/01/13/dreamweaver.html
> ***Confident Apple for 2004
> You can have an entertaining, inspiring keynote without introducing the
> next big thing. Apple and Steve Jobs did just that at Macworld SF '04, 
> and
> it bodes well for the year ahead.
> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/01/07/apple_2004.html
> ***Control Your Mac with Your PDA
> You bought a Bluetooth Mac, and now you have a Bluetooth PDA, so there
> must be something cool that the two can do together, right? There is, 
> when
> you add Salling Software's Clicker to the mix. Clicker lets your 
> Bluetooth
> devices (phones and PDAs) act as a remote control for your Mac. Dori
> Smith, coauthor of "Mac OS X Unwired," walks you through the install and
> use of Clicker, then looks at some examples of Clicker in action, using
> PowerPoint and iPhoto.
> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/01/06/macosxunwired.html
> Mac OS X Unwired
> ISBN:0-596-00508-3
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/macxunwire/index.html
> ================================================
> News From Your Peers
> ================================================
> ***Northwest Oracle Users Group Winter Conference and Seminars, Bellevue
> WA--February 9-10
> Five parallel session tracks and 25 sessions on Monday the 9th.
> Two optional all-day seminars on Tuesday the 10th.
> The conference takes place at the Meydenbauer Center, Bellevue WA
> For more information, go to:
> http://www.nwoug.com
> ***The St. Louis Web Developers Organization and local chapter of the
> IWA/HTML Writers Guild presents the 5th Annual Web Design Awards 
> Ceremony,
> St Louis, MO--February 17
> The event will be held at the St. Louis Science Center beginning at 
> 6:00pm
> and is open to the public. Refreshments are provided and prizes will be
> given to the top 3 web page winners in 7 categories.
> For more information, go to:
> http://www.stlwebdev.org/resources/awards/
> Until next time--
> Marsee

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