[Nh-pm] Help with Exporter?

Paul Lussier pll at lanminds.com
Wed Jan 29 08:32:41 CST 2003

In a message dated: 28 Jan 2003 17:23:00 EST
Kevin D. Clark said:

>What does your "use Foo" line look like, exactly?

Originally it was:

	use Foo;

But when I added the scalars, I changed that to:

	use Foo qw/:all/;

>Can you show us how you are invoking the Foo::print_header_table()
>method and accessing $Foo::Text (etc.).

Well for Foo::print_header_table(), I was just calling the function 
directly, like:


>What is the output when you include 
>        BEGIN { $Exporter::Verbose=1 }
>and then try to use the Foo module's scalars in your code?

Don't know, however, after looking at how Getopt::Long does it, and 
slightly modifying my code to match that, I also noticed that the vars 
I was trying to export were all my'd in the module.  Un-my'ing them 
suddenly popped them into existence in my program.

My module now looks like this:

    package Foo;

    use 5.008;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use CGI qw/:all/;

    require Exporter;
    use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS);

    our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

    %EXPORT_TAGS = \
        ('all'=>[ qw(&print_header_table $TEXT $BGCOLOR $LINK $VLINK $ALINK)]);

    BEGIN {

        # Init immediately so their contents can be used
        # in the 'use vars' below.
         @EXPORT = qw(&print_header_table $TEXT $BGCOLOR $LINK $VLINK $ALINK);
         @EXPORT_OK = qw ();

    our $VERSION = '0.02';

    # User visible variables.
    use vars @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK;

    # WWW vars
    $TEXT       = "#FFFFBB";
    $BGCOLOR    = "#000000";
    $LINK       = "#FFFFBB";
    $VLINK      = "#00bbff";
    $ALINK      = "#FF0000";

    sub print_header_table {
    # a bunch of code here

So, things *seem* to be working okay now.  Though I still don't 
completey grok the whole Exporter thing, nor completely understand 
why the Getopt::Long module does what it does.


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