[Nh-pm] transmogrify

Kevin D. Clark kclark at CetaceanNetworks.com
Wed Jul 31 07:27:33 CDT 2002

Attached is a script that I hope others find to be useful.

"There!  Now we're both transmogrified!  We're even!" -- Calvin

-------------- next part --------------

# Copyright 1998 Kevin D. Clark (alumni.unh.edu!kdc)

# Author: Kevin D. Clark (alumni.unh.edu!kdc)

# With some extra bells and whistles....

# Note:  I now call the script "doit" because I hate to type too much.

# Description:  A utility written in perl for doing a bunch of regexp sorts 
#               of things to a bunch of files, all the while preserving 
#               file permissions and making backups as necessary.  In addition,
#               if this program doesn't need to make a change to a file, the
#               file's timestamp is not changed (this can save a *ton* of time
#               in a system with thousands of files and millions of lines
#               of code...).

# Note: I have rewritten part of this program to make it faster.
#       Here's the specs:
#                                                     "time" output
# The new doit program:                      166.6 real  29.3 user  11.3 sys
# The old do-it.pl program:                  492.8 real 357.6 user  12.1 sys
# The old shell script version (using sed):  212.6 real  39.9 user 100.6 sys
# These numbers come from doing a simple replace on a collection of 586 
# C and C++ source files.

# Note: The code that handles multiple statements within a "-e" flag has 
# changed somewhat (for the better).  See the description below.

# TODO:  I gotta throw some perl poetry into this.
#        add "--"
#        need capability for multiple -e and -d options

require 5;
use File::Find;
require 'getopts.pl';

&Getopts("d:e:f:x:acsmhbwR:") || (&usage && exit(1));
if ($opt_h) { &usage; exit(0); }
if ($opt_a) { &handleDateExtention; }
if ($opt_b) { $^I=$opt_x; &backupInfo; exit(0); }
if ($opt_c) { $opt_m=1;
		   q(\.cc?$),q(\.C$),q(\.cxx$),q(\.cpp$),q(\.hh?$),q(\.java$)); }
if ($opt_f) { &handleFileCommands; }
if ($#ARGV == $[-1) { $opt_s=1; $opt_x=""; }
chdir($opt_d) || die "Can't cd to $opt_d: $!\n";
if ($opt_m) { 
  undef @ARGV;
  find(sub {
	  for $pat (@searchfor) {
	    if (/$pat/ && -f && -T) {
	      push (@ARGV,$File::Find::name);
@ARGV=grep($opt_w || -e || ((warn "Warning: $_ doesn't exist!\n"), 0), @ARGV);
@ARGV=grep($opt_w || -w || ((warn "Warning: $_ is read-only!\n"), 0), @ARGV);
exit(1) if ($files && !@ARGV);
  $evalMe = q#while (<>) { $changed{$ARGV}=1 if (#;
  $evalMe .= $opt_e;
  $evalMe .= q#|0); push(@ARGV2,$ARGV) unless $processed{$ARGV}++; print;}#;
if ($evalError) { $gotSig=1; warn "$evalError\n"; }
undef %changed if $gotSig;
&deleteUselessBackups if ($opt_x ne "");
if ($gotSig) { warn "No changes made.\n"; exit(1); }
if (!$opt_s) {
  if ($^I eq ".bak") {
    # less clutter for the user who defaults to .bak
    print "Type \"$0 -b\" for info concerning backup files.\n";
  else {
    print "Type \"$0 -b -x\'$^I\'\" for info concerning backup files.\n";

sub handleDateExtention {
  ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
  $month = (Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec)[$mon];
  $day = (Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thur,Fri,Sat,Sun)[$wday];
  $opt_x = ".${day}_${month}_${mday}_${year}_${hour}.${min}.${sec}";

sub handleFileCommands {
  local $/;
  open(FILE, $opt_f) || die "Can't open $opt_f: $!\n";
  $opt_e = <FILE>;
  close(FILE) || die "can't close $opt_f: $!\n";

sub usage {

  # Note:  if you are seeing this and you want to cut and paste from the
  #        following here-document, remember that some of the things in
  #        here are escaped so that they are printed out correctly when
  #        the user types "doit -h".  Caveat programmer!

  print <<"USAGE"
Usage:  $0 [flags] [filename specification]

Description:  A utility written in perl for doing a bunch of regexp sorts 
              of things to a bunch of files, all the while preserving 
              file permissions and making backups as necessary.

     These flags may appear in any order.

            -h                    Print this message.

            -b                    Print generic message about backup files.

            -d directory          Start at this particular directory
                                  (default is the current directory)

            -e exression(s)       What to do to the file(s) as they stream by.
                                  For example, "s/foo/bar/" or 
                                  "s/fooBAR/fooBar/g | tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/"
                                  Obviously, this must be a perl expression.
                                  Please notice that within the scope of this
                                  this expression you should use the '|' 
                                  character to separate your sub-expressions.
                                  (default: do nothing)

            -f filename           Via this option the user can specify a file
                                  with editing commands in it, all in the 
                                  same style as specified in the -e switch.
                                  If this option is specified, the -e switch
                                  is ignored.

            -R seperator          The input-line seperator to use.  This
                                  may be a multi-character string.  The empty
                                  seperator implies an awk-like
                                  "paragraph-mode".  (default is a newline)
                                  This roughly corresponds to the "RS" 
                                  variable in awk.

            -x extention          Use this extention for backup files.
                                  (default is '.bak', specifying an empty
                                  extention means "don't make backup copies")

            -w                    Make this program attempt to write to files
                                  that are unwriteable, while at the same time
                                  preserving the permissions of these files
                                  (the default is not to write to such files).

            -a                    (see also the -x option)
                                  Automagically create backup files with an 
                                  extention that indicates the date at which
                                  this change is being done.  This same 
                                  extention will be used for all of the files
                                  involved in this change.  This option 
                                  overrides anything that might have been 
                                  specified via the -x option.

                                  Note:  this feature is perhaps 
                                         not very useful in practice.

            -s                    Be silent!  (except for errors)
                                  Reading from stdin implies this option.

   Filename Specification:
     These "filename specifiers" may be the actual names of files
     themselves, or with the following two flags doit will search for the 
     files recursively for you.  These specifiers and flags should appear 
     after any of the flags mentioned above.

            -m                    Interpret the filenames specified as being
                                  meta-filenames and not actual filenames.
                                  If this option is specified the filenames
                                  specified will be searched for in a recursive
                                  manner (starting at the specified directory),
                                  and the specified changes will take place on
                                  all of the specified filenames.

            -c                    "Code mode", this is the equivalent to 
                                  specifying the metafilename of
                                  "\\.cc?\$\" "\\.C\$\" "\\.h\$\" "\\.cxx\$\" "\\.cpp\$\" "\\.java\$\"
                                  (hope someone finds this to be useful!)

            If the -m option is not specified (or implied), then whatever 
            filenames appear on the command line will be changed.  If no
            filenames appear on the command line, then this program will act
            as a filter, reading from stdin and writing to stdout.

Author: Kevin D. Clark (alumni.unh.edu!kdc)

See also:  man perlre, man perlop

And remember:  it's spelled "doit", but it's pronounced "transmogrify".


sub backupInfo {
  if ($^I eq "") {
    print "Note: via the -x option, you specified an empty backup\n";
    print "extention, which means \"don't make backup files\".\n";
    print "For the examples below, the assumption is made that you didn't\n";
    print "do this sort of thing.  In the examples below, the assumption\n";
    print "is made that the backup extention was \".bak\".\n";
  if ($ENV{"SHELL"}=~/csh/) {  # blech!
    print <<"BACKUPINFO_CSH"

foreach A ( `find $opt_d -name \\\*$^I -print` )
  mv \$A `echo \$A |sed 's/\\$^I\$//'`
  else {
    print <<"BACKUPINFO_SH"

for A in `find $opt_d -name \\\*$^I -print` ; do
  mv \$A `echo \$A |sed 's/\\$^I\$//'`
  print "find $opt_d -name \*$^I -print | xargs rm -f\n";
  print "\nNOTE:\n";
  print "    Neither of these are are 100% bulletproof; caveat programmer.\n\n";

sub deleteUselessBackups {
  for $file (@ARGV2) {
    if (!$changed{$file}) {
      rename("$file$^I", $file) || 
	warn "Unable to \"mv $opt_d/$file$^I $opt_d/$file\"\n";

# perl doesn't clean things up as gracefully as I want
sub sigHandler {
  my($sig) = @_;
  exit(1) unless $^I;
  warn "Caught signal SIG$sig -- cleaning up gracefully...\n";

# It's the
  of the world as we know it, and I feeeel fine....

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