Possibly start up some meetings

Allison Randal allison at netcentral.net
Mon Aug 27 16:34:34 CDT 2001

Following the recent perl class, we've been talking about maybe getting
into some "on beyond intro" perl topics. It makes sense to label these as
Perl Monger meetings.

The first topic under consideration is Perl/Tk. It's been a subject of
some interest on the perl-class list, and it's certainly something I'd
like to do more on. Keith Johnson has alot of experience with Perl/Tk and
said he'd be willing to give us a presentation on it. I'm aiming for
mid-to-late-September (the week between b&p and nlug).

I may ask for list of who's interested later on. If we've only got a
handful, the meeting will be at my house. Otherwise, I'll start checking
around for other spaces.

Some other topics for consideration later:

- Writing CPAN modules with full tests.
- Setting up a web site using Slash.
- A more advanced OO perl session, possibly a case study using a real

Send me any other ideas.


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