[Melbourne-pm] NEXT + AUTOLOAD problems

Bradley Dean bjdean at bjdean.id.au
Sun Jun 1 17:53:51 PDT 2008

Hi Damian,

On Mon, Jun 02, 2008 at 09:15:17AM +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
> Bradley Dean wrote:
> >I've been trying to get NEXT working with AUTOLOAD and it doesn't seem to
> >be behaving as I would expect.
> >
> >Using $self->NEXT::ACTUAL::AUTOLOAD() should cause an exception to be
> >thrown if the search for another AUTOLOAD in the inheritance tree fails.
> Indeed it should. And, yes, it's broken.
Ah good - I'm not going mad. :)

> The actual problem is at this line in the NEXT::AUTOLOAD subroutine:
> 38    my $wanted = $NEXT::AUTOLOAD || 'NEXT::AUTOLOAD';
> This line sets the $AUTOLOAD variable in the special case of calling
>     $obj->NEXT::AUTOLOAD(@args)
> The problem is that the one circumstance in which $AUTOLOAD isn't set 
> within an AUTOLOAD sub is when you actually call the sub directly (as 
> above). So line 38 tries to set it for you. The problem is that it only 
> tries to set it to 'NEXT::AUTOLOAD', rather than 'NEXT::ACTUAL::AUTOLOAD' 
> if that's what you called.
> The version below fixes that problem (I hope). Give it a try.

Looks almost right - it fixed my problem but broke when I tested with just
NEXT::AUTOLOAD because you hadn't called NEXT::ELSEWHERE::buildAUTOLOAD()
on the NEXT namespace:

--- NEXT.pm.damian      2008-05-16 13:03:52.000000000 +0100
+++ NEXT.pm     2008-05-16 13:08:52.000000000 +0100
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
          return $call_method->(@_);

 no strict 'vars';
 package NEXT::UNSEEN;           @ISA = 'NEXT'; NEXT::ELSEWHERE::buildAUTOLOAD();

After making that change I see silent failure as expected for NEXT and
exceptions raised for NEXT::ACTUAL.

I've run that version through the tests in NEXT-0.60.tar.gz with no errors.

That said - I've also noticed that there's a t/actual.t which did not catch
the original error. Here's a Test::More script which would have revealed
the initial problem (and which now passes using the new version):

use Test::More 'no_plan';

    if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
        chdir('t') if -d 't';
        @INC = qw(../lib);

BEGIN { use_ok('NEXT') };

package B;
use NEXT; our $AUTOLOAD;
  my ($self, @params) = @_;
  if ( $AUTOLOAD =~ /b/ ) {
    return 'CALL: B';
  else {
    return $self->NEXT::ACTUAL::AUTOLOAD(@params);
sub DESTROY {};

package C;
use NEXT; our $AUTOLOAD;
  my ($self, @params) = @_;
  if ( $AUTOLOAD =~ /c/ ) {
    return 'CALL: C';
  else {
    return $self->NEXT::ACTUAL::AUTOLOAD(@params);
sub DESTROY {};

package A;
use NEXT; our $AUTOLOAD;
use base qw{B C};
  my ($self, @params) = @_;
  if ( $AUTOLOAD =~ /a/ ) {
    return 'CALL: A';
  else {
    return $self->NEXT::ACTUAL::AUTOLOAD(@params);
sub DESTROY {};

package main;

my $obj = bless {}, 'A';

is( $obj->a()
  , 'CALL: A'
  , 'Call to ->a() resolved without error'

is( $obj->b()
  , 'CALL: B'
  , 'Call to ->b() resolved without error'

is( $obj->c()
  , 'CALL: C'
  , 'Call to ->c() resolved without error'

eval{ $obj->d() };
like( $@
    , qr/Can't locate object method/
    , 'Called to ->d() fails with "Cannot locate..." exception'



> Damian
> -----cut----------cut----------cut----------cut----------cut-----
> package NEXT;
> $VERSION = '0.60_01';
> use Carp;
> use strict;
> sub NEXT::ELSEWHERE::ancestors
> {
>     my @inlist = shift;
>     my @outlist = ();
>     while (my $next = shift @inlist) {
>         push @outlist, $next;
>         no strict 'refs';
>         unshift @inlist, @{"$outlist[-1]::ISA"};
>     }
>     return @outlist;
> }
> sub NEXT::ELSEWHERE::ordered_ancestors
> {
>     my @inlist = shift;
>     my @outlist = ();
>     while (my $next = shift @inlist) {
>         push @outlist, $next;
>         no strict 'refs';
>         push @inlist, @{"$outlist[-1]::ISA"};
>     }
>     return sort { $a->isa($b) ? -1
>                 : $b->isa($a) ? +1
>                 :                0 } @outlist;
> }
> {
>     my $autoload_name  =  caller() . '::AUTOLOAD';
>     no strict 'refs';
>     *{$autoload_name} = sub {
>         my ($self) = @_;
>         my $depth = 1;
>         until ((caller($depth))[3] !~ /^\(eval\)$/) { $depth++ }
>         my $caller = (caller($depth))[3];
>         my $wanted = $NEXT::AUTOLOAD || $autoload_name;
>         undef $NEXT::AUTOLOAD;
>         my ($caller_class, $caller_method) = $caller =~ m{(.*)::(.*)}g;
>         my ($wanted_class, $wanted_method) = $wanted =~ m{(.*)::(.*)}g;
>         croak "Can't call $wanted from $caller"
>             unless $caller_method eq $wanted_method;
>         local ($NEXT::NEXT{$self,$wanted_method}, $NEXT::SEEN) =
>             ($NEXT::NEXT{$self,$wanted_method}, $NEXT::SEEN);
>         unless ($NEXT::NEXT{$self,$wanted_method}) {
>             my @forebears =
>                 NEXT::ELSEWHERE::ancestors ref $self || $self,
>                             $wanted_class;
>             while (@forebears) {
>                 last if shift @forebears eq $caller_class
>             }
>             no strict 'refs';
>             @{$NEXT::NEXT{$self,$wanted_method}} =
>                 map { *{"${_}::$caller_method"}{CODE}||() } @forebears
>                     unless $wanted_method eq 'AUTOLOAD';
>             @{$NEXT::NEXT{$self,$wanted_method}} =
>                 map { (*{"${_}::AUTOLOAD"}{CODE}) ? "${_}::AUTOLOAD" : ()} 
> @forebears
>                     unless @{$NEXT::NEXT{$self,$wanted_method}||[]};
>             $NEXT::SEEN->{$self,*{$caller}{CODE}}++;
>         }
>         my $call_method = shift @{$NEXT::NEXT{$self,$wanted_method}};
>         while ($wanted_class =~ /^NEXT\b.*\b(UNSEEN|DISTINCT)\b/
>             && defined $call_method
>             && $NEXT::SEEN->{$self,$call_method}++) {
>             $call_method = shift @{$NEXT::NEXT{$self,$wanted_method}};
>         }
>         unless (defined $call_method) {
>             return unless $wanted_class =~ /^NEXT:.*:ACTUAL/;
>             (local $Carp::CarpLevel)++;
>             croak qq(Can't locate object method "$wanted_method" ),
>                 qq(via package "$caller_class");
>         };
>         return $self->$call_method(@_[1..$#_]) if ref $call_method eq 
>         'CODE';
>         no strict 'refs';
>         ($wanted_method=${$caller_class."::AUTOLOAD"}) =~ s/.*:://
>             if $wanted_method eq 'AUTOLOAD';
>         $$call_method = $caller_class."::NEXT::".$wanted_method;
>         return $call_method->(@_);
>     };
> }
> no strict 'vars';
> package NEXT::UNSEEN;           @ISA = 'NEXT'; 
> package NEXT::DISTINCT;         @ISA = 'NEXT'; 
> package NEXT::ACTUAL;           @ISA = 'NEXT'; 
> package NEXT::ACTUAL::UNSEEN;   @ISA = 'NEXT'; 
> package NEXT::UNSEEN::ACTUAL;   @ISA = 'NEXT'; 
> {
>     my $autoload_name = caller() . '::AUTOLOAD';
>     no strict 'refs';
>     *{$autoload_name} = sub {
>         my ($self) = @_;
>         my $depth = 1;
>         until ((caller($depth))[3] !~ /^\(eval\)$/) { $depth++ }
>         my $caller = (caller($depth))[3];
>         my $wanted = $EVERY::AUTOLOAD || $autoload_name;
>         undef $EVERY::AUTOLOAD;
>         my ($wanted_class, $wanted_method) = $wanted =~ m{(.*)::(.*)}g;
>         local $NEXT::ALREADY_IN_EVERY{$self,$wanted_method} =
>             $NEXT::ALREADY_IN_EVERY{$self,$wanted_method};
>         return if $NEXT::ALREADY_IN_EVERY{$self,$wanted_method}++;
>         my @forebears = NEXT::ELSEWHERE::ordered_ancestors ref $self || 
>         $self,
>                                         $wanted_class;
>         @forebears = reverse @forebears if $wanted_class =~ /\bLAST\b/;
>         no strict 'refs';
>         my %seen;
>         my @every = map { my $sub = "${_}::$wanted_method";
>                     !*{$sub}{CODE} || $seen{$sub}++ ? () : $sub
>                     } @forebears
>                     unless $wanted_method eq 'AUTOLOAD';
>         my $want = wantarray;
>         if (@every) {
>             if ($want) {
>                 return map {($_, [$self->$_(@_[1..$#_])])} @every;
>             }
>             elsif (defined $want) {
>                 return { map {($_, scalar($self->$_(@_[1..$#_])))}
>                         @every
>                     };
>             }
>             else {
>                 $self->$_(@_[1..$#_]) for @every;
>                 return;
>             }
>         }
>         @every = map { my $sub = "${_}::AUTOLOAD";
>                 !*{$sub}{CODE} || $seen{$sub}++ ? () : "${_}::AUTOLOAD"
>                 } @forebears;
>         if ($want) {
>             return map { $$_ = ref($self)."::EVERY::".$wanted_method;
>                     ($_, [$self->$_(@_[1..$#_])]);
>                 } @every;
>         }
>         elsif (defined $want) {
>             return { map { $$_ = ref($self)."::EVERY::".$wanted_method;
>                     ($_, scalar($self->$_(@_[1..$#_])))
>                     } @every
>                 };
>         }
>         else {
>             for (@every) {
>                 $$_ = ref($self)."::EVERY::".$wanted_method;
>                 $self->$_(@_[1..$#_]);
>             }
>             return;
>         }
>     };
> }
> package EVERY::LAST;       @ISA = 'EVERY';   
> package EVERY;             @ISA = 'NEXT';    
> 1;
> __END__
> =head1 NAME
> NEXT.pm - Provide a pseudo-class NEXT (et al) that allows method redispatch
> =head1 SYNOPSIS
>     use NEXT;
>     package A;
>     sub A::method   { print "$_[0]: A method\n";   $_[0]->NEXT::method() }
>     sub A::DESTROY  { print "$_[0]: A dtor\n";     $_[0]->NEXT::DESTROY() }
>     package B;
>     use base qw( A );
>     sub B::AUTOLOAD { print "$_[0]: B AUTOLOAD\n"; $_[0]->NEXT::AUTOLOAD() }
>     sub B::DESTROY  { print "$_[0]: B dtor\n";     $_[0]->NEXT::DESTROY() }
>     package C;
>     sub C::method   { print "$_[0]: C method\n";   $_[0]->NEXT::method() }
>     sub C::AUTOLOAD { print "$_[0]: C AUTOLOAD\n"; $_[0]->NEXT::AUTOLOAD() }
>     sub C::DESTROY  { print "$_[0]: C dtor\n";     $_[0]->NEXT::DESTROY() }
>     package D;
>     use base qw( B C );
>     sub D::method   { print "$_[0]: D method\n";   $_[0]->NEXT::method() }
>     sub D::AUTOLOAD { print "$_[0]: D AUTOLOAD\n"; $_[0]->NEXT::AUTOLOAD() }
>     sub D::DESTROY  { print "$_[0]: D dtor\n";     $_[0]->NEXT::DESTROY() }
>     package main;
>     my $obj = bless {}, "D";
>     $obj->method();     # Calls D::method, A::method, C::method
>     $obj->missing_method(); # Calls D::AUTOLOAD, B::AUTOLOAD, C::AUTOLOAD
>     # Clean-up calls D::DESTROY, B::DESTROY, A::DESTROY, C::DESTROY
> NEXT.pm adds a pseudoclass named C<NEXT> to any program
> that uses it. If a method C<m> calls C<$self-E<gt>NEXT::m()>, the call to
> C<m> is redispatched as if the calling method had not originally been found.
> In other words, a call to C<$self-E<gt>NEXT::m()> resumes the depth-first,
> left-to-right search of C<$self>'s class hierarchy that resulted in the
> original call to C<m>.
> Note that this is not the same thing as C<$self-E<gt>SUPER::m()>, which
> begins a new dispatch that is restricted to searching the ancestors
> of the current class. C<$self-E<gt>NEXT::m()> can backtrack
> past the current class -- to look for a suitable method in other
> ancestors of C<$self> -- whereas C<$self-E<gt>SUPER::m()> cannot.
> A typical use would be in the destructors of a class hierarchy,
> as illustrated in the synopsis above. Each class in the hierarchy
> has a DESTROY method that performs some class-specific action
> and then redispatches the call up the hierarchy. As a result,
> when an object of class D is destroyed, the destructors of I<all>
> its parent classes are called (in depth-first, left-to-right order).
> Another typical use of redispatch would be in C<AUTOLOAD>'ed methods.
> If such a method determined that it was not able to handle a
> particular call, it might choose to redispatch that call, in the
> hope that some other C<AUTOLOAD> (above it, or to its left) might
> do better.
> By default, if a redispatch attempt fails to find another method
> elsewhere in the objects class hierarchy, it quietly gives up and does
> nothing (but see L<"Enforcing redispatch">). This gracious acquiescence
> is also unlike the (generally annoying) behaviour of C<SUPER>, which
> throws an exception if it cannot redispatch.
> Note that it is a fatal error for any method (including C<AUTOLOAD>)
> to attempt to redispatch any method that does not have the
> same name. For example:
>         sub D::oops { print "oops!\n"; $_[0]->NEXT::other_method() }
> =head2 Enforcing redispatch
> It is possible to make C<NEXT> redispatch more demandingly (i.e. like
> C<SUPER> does), so that the redispatch throws an exception if it cannot
> find a "next" method to call.
> To do this, simple invoke the redispatch as:
>     $self->NEXT::ACTUAL::method();
> rather than:
>     $self->NEXT::method();
> The C<ACTUAL> tells C<NEXT> that there must actually be a next method to 
> call,
> or it should throw an exception.
> C<NEXT::ACTUAL> is most commonly used in C<AUTOLOAD> methods, as a means to
> decline an C<AUTOLOAD> request, but preserve the normal exception-on-failure
> semantics:
>     sub AUTOLOAD {
>         if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /foo|bar/) {
>             # handle here
>         }
>         else {  # try elsewhere
>             shift()->NEXT::ACTUAL::AUTOLOAD(@_);
>         }
>     }
> By using C<NEXT::ACTUAL>, if there is no other C<AUTOLOAD> to handle the
> method call, an exception will be thrown (as usually happens in the absence 
> of
> a suitable C<AUTOLOAD>).
> =head2 Avoiding repetitions
> If C<NEXT> redispatching is used in the methods of a "diamond" class 
> hierarchy:
>     #     A   B
>     #    / \ /
>     #   C   D
>     #    \ /
>     #     E
>     use NEXT;
>     package A;
>     sub foo { print "called A::foo\n"; shift->NEXT::foo() }
>     package B;
>     sub foo { print "called B::foo\n"; shift->NEXT::foo() }
>     package C; @ISA = qw( A );
>     sub foo { print "called C::foo\n"; shift->NEXT::foo() }
>     package D; @ISA = qw(A B);
>     sub foo { print "called D::foo\n"; shift->NEXT::foo() }
>     package E; @ISA = qw(C D);
>     sub foo { print "called E::foo\n"; shift->NEXT::foo() }
>     E->foo();
> then derived classes may (re-)inherit base-class methods through two or
> more distinct paths (e.g. in the way C<E> inherits C<A::foo> twice --
> through C<C> and C<D>). In such cases, a sequence of C<NEXT> redispatches
> will invoke the multiply inherited method as many times as it is
> inherited. For example, the above code prints:
>         called E::foo
>         called C::foo
>         called A::foo
>         called D::foo
>         called A::foo
>         called B::foo
> (i.e. C<A::foo> is called twice).
> In some cases this I<may> be the desired effect within a diamond hierarchy,
> but in others (e.g. for destructors) it may be more appropriate to
> call each method only once during a sequence of redispatches.
> To cover such cases, you can redispatch methods via:
>         $self->NEXT::DISTINCT::method();
> rather than:
>         $self->NEXT::method();
> This causes the redispatcher to only visit each distinct C<method> method
> once. That is, to skip any classes in the hierarchy that it has
> already visited during redispatch. So, for example, if the
> previous example were rewritten:
>         package A;
>         sub foo { print "called A::foo\n"; shift->NEXT::DISTINCT::foo() }
>         package B;
>         sub foo { print "called B::foo\n"; shift->NEXT::DISTINCT::foo() }
>         package C; @ISA = qw( A );
>         sub foo { print "called C::foo\n"; shift->NEXT::DISTINCT::foo() }
>         package D; @ISA = qw(A B);
>         sub foo { print "called D::foo\n"; shift->NEXT::DISTINCT::foo() }
>         package E; @ISA = qw(C D);
>         sub foo { print "called E::foo\n"; shift->NEXT::DISTINCT::foo() }
>         E->foo();
> then it would print:
>         called E::foo
>         called C::foo
>         called A::foo
>         called D::foo
>         called B::foo
> and omit the second call to C<A::foo> (since it would not be distinct
> from the first call to C<A::foo>).
> Note that you can also use:
>         $self->NEXT::DISTINCT::ACTUAL::method();
> or:
>         $self->NEXT::ACTUAL::DISTINCT::method();
> to get both unique invocation I<and> exception-on-failure.
> Note that, for historical compatibility, you can also use
> =head2 Invoking all versions of a method with a single call
> Yet another pseudo-class that NEXT.pm provides is C<EVERY>.
> Its behaviour is considerably simpler than that of the C<NEXT> family.
> A call to:
>     $obj->EVERY::foo();
> calls I<every> method named C<foo> that the object in C<$obj> has inherited.
> That is:
>     use NEXT;
>     package A; @ISA = qw(B D X);
>     sub foo { print "A::foo " }
>     package B; @ISA = qw(D X);
>     sub foo { print "B::foo " }
>     package X; @ISA = qw(D);
>     sub foo { print "X::foo " }
>     package D;
>     sub foo { print "D::foo " }
>     package main;
>     my $obj = bless {}, 'A';
>     $obj->EVERY::foo();        # prints" A::foo B::foo X::foo D::foo
> Prefixing a method call with C<EVERY::> causes every method in the
> object's hierarchy with that name to be invoked. As the above example
> illustrates, they are not called in Perl's usual "left-most-depth-first"
> order. Instead, they are called "breadth-first-dependency-wise".
> That means that the inheritance tree of the object is traversed 
> breadth-first
> and the resulting order of classes is used as the sequence in which methods
> are called. However, that sequence is modified by imposing a rule that the
> appropriate method of a derived class must be called before the same method 
> of
> any ancestral class. That's why, in the above example, C<X::foo> is called
> before C<D::foo>, even though C<D> comes before C<X> in C<@B::ISA>.
> In general, there's no need to worry about the order of calls. They will be
> left-to-right, breadth-first, most-derived-first. This works perfectly for
> most inherited methods (including destructors), but is inappropriate for
> some kinds of methods (such as constructors, cloners, debuggers, and
> initializers) where it's more appropriate that the least-derived methods be
> called first (as more-derived methods may rely on the behaviour of their
> "ancestors"). In that case, instead of using the C<EVERY> pseudo-class:
>     $obj->EVERY::foo();        # prints" A::foo B::foo X::foo D::foo
> you can use the C<EVERY::LAST> pseudo-class:
>     $obj->EVERY::LAST::foo();  # prints" D::foo X::foo B::foo A::foo
> which reverses the order of method call.
> Whichever version is used, the actual methods are called in the same
> context (list, scalar, or void) as the original call via C<EVERY>, and 
> return:
> =over
> =item *
> A hash of array references in list context. Each entry of the hash has the
> fully qualified method name as its key and a reference to an array 
> containing
> the method's list-context return values as its value.
> =item *
> A reference to a hash of scalar values in scalar context. Each entry of the 
> hash has the
> fully qualified method name as its key and the method's scalar-context 
> return values as its value.
> =item *
> Nothing in void context (obviously).
> =back
> =head2 Using C<EVERY> methods
> The typical way to use an C<EVERY> call is to wrap it in another base
> method, that all classes inherit. For example, to ensure that every
> destructor an object inherits is actually called (as opposed to just the
> left-most-depth-first-est one):
>         package Base;
>         sub DESTROY { $_[0]->EVERY::Destroy }
>         package Derived1;
>         use base 'Base';
>         sub Destroy {...}
>         package Derived2;
>         use base 'Base', 'Derived1';
>         sub Destroy {...}
> et cetera. Every derived class than needs its own clean-up
> behaviour simply adds its own C<Destroy> method (I<not> a C<DESTROY> 
> method),
> which the call to C<EVERY::LAST::Destroy> in the inherited destructor
> then correctly picks up.
> Likewise, to create a class hierarchy in which every initializer inherited 
> by
> a new object is invoked:
>         package Base;
>         sub new {
>         my ($class, %args) = @_;
>         my $obj = bless {}, $class;
>         $obj->EVERY::LAST::Init(\%args);
>     }
>         package Derived1;
>         use base 'Base';
>         sub Init {
>         my ($argsref) = @_;
>         ...
>     }
>         package Derived2;
>         use base 'Base', 'Derived1';
>         sub Init {
>         my ($argsref) = @_;
>         ...
>     }
> et cetera. Every derived class than needs some additional initialization
> behaviour simply adds its own C<Init> method (I<not> a C<new> method),
> which the call to C<EVERY::LAST::Init> in the inherited constructor
> then correctly picks up.
> =head1 AUTHOR
> Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
> Because it's a module, not an integral part of the interpreter, NEXT.pm
> has to guess where the surrounding call was found in the method
> look-up sequence. In the presence of diamond inheritance patterns
> it occasionally guesses wrong.
> It's also too slow (despite caching).
> Comment, suggestions, and patches welcome.
> =head1 COPYRIGHT
>  Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
>  This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
>     and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.

Bradley Dean
Software Engineer - http://bjdean.id.au/
Email: bjdean at bjdean.id.au Skype: skype at bjdean.id.au
Mobile(Aus): +61-413014395 Mobile(UK): +44-7846895073

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