<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>Little more than a week remains to volunteer to represent the PerlMongers at the 2016 SCaLE conference in Pasadena. <br><br></div>I understand that this is a hectic time of year, with people either on vacation and focused on family, or working to beat a year-end deadline so they can relax over the holidays. <br><br></div>I also understand that people may be waiting until the schedule of speakers for the upcoming SCaLE is a bit more filled in. There's no need! We can adjust the booth schedule until the day of the event, so even if you don't know which day and time will be best for you, you can still volunteer today.<br><br></div><div>You don't have to be a Perl expert, just someone who appreciates what Perl can help people accomplish, and who is willing to share that appreciation with others.<br></div><div><br></div><div>What will you get in exchange for your time?<br></div><div><br></div><div>- A free pass to SCaLE 14x<br></div><div>- A PerlMongers t-shirt in your size<br></div><div>- Two weeks of free online Perl training from Geekuni<br><br></div>If you want to help represent the Perl community to the larger community of Linux users, please send an email to <a href="mailto:mcduffee@gmail.com">mcduffee@gmail.com</a> today. We'll work out the details later. Thank you!<br></div>