<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>Just a quick reminder that if your company wants to have PerlMongers volunteers at SCaLE 14x wearing your company logo and advertising positions you'd like to fill, the deadline for sponsorship is this coming Friday, December 11 at 11:59 PM. <br><br></div>SCaLE 14x will be in Pasadena from January 21 through January 24, 2016. <br><br>In exchange for your $100 sponsorship, which will help pay for the cost of printing the Perl @ SCaLE t-shirts our volunteers wear, your company logo will be printed on the back of the shirts, identifying your company as a supporter of the Perl community in Southern California.<br><br></div>In addition, we will distribute literature at the booth which advertises any open positions you're trying to fill. Our booth attracts Perl users (and the Perl curious) from around the world, so this is a great opportunity to get your company message out at the same time you support Perl.<br><br></div>If you'd like to be a sponsor, or have additional questions, please contact me at <a href="mailto:mcdufee@gmail.com">mcdufee@gmail.com</a>. Thank you!<br></div>