<div dir="ltr"><div><br>Hello,<br><br>Time is very valuable, and year after year, several folks have volunteered their time and good will to help promote Perl @ SCALE. In the years past, I have provided t-shirts to volunteers as a token of appreciation for donating their time in such a way. This year, I am requesting the help of the companies using Perl to provide those t-shirts and maybe a bit more. <br><br>In exchange for your $100 donation, we will:<br><br>1) Include your company's logo in the back of the t-shirt as an sponsor. (I need high resolution monochromatic image AND an email authorizing me to use said logo for this *specific* purpose). Historically the cost of these t-shirts has been just short of $200 (including shipping), adding the sponsors logos will raise the cost a little bit.<br><br>2) We can have flyers advertising any open Perl Development positions your company might have.<br><br>3) Any money left over will be used to purchase, and give away Learning Perl or Modern Perl books to any SCALE attendees with a valid Student ID (while supplies last).<br><br>Ideally, *all* companies using Perl in SoCal will step up. If your company is interested, or if you have any questions, please send me an email to <a href="mailto:naterajj@gmail.com">naterajj@gmail.com</a><br><br>This open call will close Monday, Jan 12th at 11:59PM.<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>Juan<br></div></div>