<DIV id=RTEContent><A href="http://www.japaneserestaurantinfo.com/yabu2/01.htm">http://www.japaneserestaurantinfo.com/yabu2/01.htm</A><BR><BR><B><I>Robert Spier <rspier@pobox.com></I></B> wrote: <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"><BR>Hi Lapmers -<BR><BR><BR>I really meant to have a December meeting, but it just didn't<BR>happen, so, we're going to have one in January.<BR><BR>What do people think of something like Wednesday the 4th? Or<BR>should we delay until later in the month?<BR><BR>I'm thinking we should do a dinner meeting (but try and have some<BR>technical content). Location: "The West Side" (Santa Monica,<BR>Westwood, Brentwood.)<BR><BR>Anyone have restaurant suggestions? Should be moderately priced<BR>and while I'm a big fan of "interesting cuisine" -- there needs to<BR>be at least something for our members with dietary restrictions or<BR>who just don't like odd things.<BR><BR>In terms of technical
content, I'd like to find someone to talk<BR>authoritatively for a few minutes about something perlish. (Fodder<BR>includes the recent sprintf flaw stuff, Perl6, Parrot, or anything<BR>else nifty.)<BR><BR>Other news: The Movable Type folks (SixApart) are interested in<BR>doing some sort of Movable Type related training/event. MT is one<BR>of the most popular large-scale widely-deployed Perl applications<BR>today. Ask is working on getting the details for this arranged.<BR><BR>-R<BR>_______________________________________________<BR>Losangeles-pm mailing list<BR>Losangeles-pm@pm.org<BR>http://mail.pm.org/mailman/listinfo/losangeles-pm<BR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR></DIV>