[LA.pm] contrasting London and LA

Robert Spier rspier at pobox.com
Sun Aug 27 19:17:26 PDT 2006

> In fact we do have someone who can offer an opinion.
> Robert, speak up.  I understand that you've been working
> in Python at Google.  That's relevant experience.  Say
> something. :-)

What was the question again?

We do have enforced code reviews and style guides.  But they're not
onerous.  All of these things help to make our much codebase better
than it would be without them.  It helps bring changes out into the
open (as most reviews are CC'ed to some group list or another) and
I've never seen anyone have a problem with a review -- because they're
always happening (and usually good natured) nobody seems to get

This isn't just for Python.  Same thing for Java, C++, and every other
language we use.


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