[LA.pm] calling gzip from within perl

David Heayn david at cloudgraphics.com
Wed Jun 29 14:42:26 PDT 2005

At 8:06 AM -0700 6/29/05, Robert Spier wrote:
>  > >>   open(LOG, "gunzip $file |") or die "Cannot gunzip '$file': $!";
>  > >        open(FILE, "gunzip $fileLoc |") or die "Cannot gunzip 
>'$fileLoc': $!";
>You really want: gunzip -c

Yep. this line more or less does the trick. It decompresses gz files to memory.
open(FILE, "gunzip -c $fileLoc |") or die "Cannot gunzip '$fileLoc': $!";

However, when I took it over to another server the script didn't want 
to fully run. It printed a header and HTML title info, but the "data 
table" was empty. This secondary server I'm futzing with doesn't 
allow shell access or ssh'ing into any directories. Could this be the 
reason it doesn't work?  I know that some of the compressed files are 
corrupt. Does the
die "Can't gunzip $fileLoc...
line test to see if there is a failed decompression attempt?

David Heayn * http://www.cloudgraphics.com * 213/925.3283

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